I am a nice person, very kind and intelligent [1]

bhoc This is Worldherald's favorite state The result of my wikidependence test:

tilt! (1580 points) Version of December 18, 2020

World Herald, better known as Worldherald (Aosta, 9 August 2007 ...), is an Italian leader I have been living in Piedmont since 2009 and have been editing Wikipedia for a lifetime. I mainly deal with the edits on the pages that talk about War and / or Revolutions and civil wars. I am an undisputed champion of my favorite video games and I hate stingy and unbridled consumerists. I am a Communist to the core.

Personal skills

- Knowledge of French

- Very high level of historical knowledge

- I can surf the web (that if you don't know how to do it is very serious, these days then .....)

- I can draw

- I am from Valle d'Aosta (for me it is a quality)

- I'm good at English

- I can be sweet to all the girls who know me,

- I'm a very inventive person

- If they were to invade Italy, I would be one of the few who would find a strategy to drive out the invaders

- I'm self-deprecating

- I can read manga (unlike half of the Italian inhabitants)

- I write very well (not style, but production capacity)

- I talk too much

- I understand Asian languages ​​on average

- If you ask me when the First World War broke out, I will answer you immediately


- Video games

- Studying (yeah .......)

- Point out everything

- History

- [1]

- Google

- TV

- Asia

- The states of the Arab world

- Manga

- Dictate laws as if you were a politician

- Nuclear

- Jennie Kim

- The Blackpinks

- North Korea