XZY - is a TAMIL Language movie. Its a Fiktion Drama Thriller. It is a first Product from the Charitha Fiktion Sinemas house.

The situations around the life of a couple who are having differences of opinion. An unexpected guest come into their life who is creates turbulence in their life and relationship. Who is this guy and why he is into their life how he has made the impact is the story. gripping play and wonderful performances of the Artists and extraordinary efforts put by technical team will steal 2 hours of your time just like that.

This XZY movie engages you into the story and characters. It has two songs one is a romantic song and the other is a theme song.

both will surely entertain the audience.


Vishnu Priyan

Priya Karthikeyan

Ram Akarrsh & Others

Technical Team

Director: Sudhakar Alla

DOP: R. Muthuumaran

Co-Director: Narayanan

Music: Anil

Editor: Sharan Shanmugam

Sound: Bala

DI: Karthik (Star)