A reluctant Californian, 28 year old Xeyda enjoys photography, roleplaying, her kitties, good food, the great outdoors and enough other hobbies to fill an entire Wikipedia of her own.
She does not enjoy the recent bad experiences with Wiki staff/ editors and has recently had her idealistic vision of Wiki shattered by such. Despite being a long time reader, user, and enjoyer of Wiki, because she hadn't had much need or opportunity to 'edit' or 'correct' accepted Wiki pages in the past, her first attempts to participate in the social culture of Wiki have been meet with near hostility.
Hooray self-importance!
You can find that Xeyda is NOT a bot or patsy account by looking at her contributions elsewhere on the web. From artwork to writing and more, there's nothing fake about the person behind the catchy name.
She is also rather fond of her fiance, Custodius and finds it offensive that his existance has been called in to question as well, for the same reason her own is.
Nice way to welcome new contributors, guys.