Wotcha all, I'm *French citizen of Chinese origin*. I was inculcated with Chinese culture then later, I was taught French culture.

  • (I'm not franco-Chinese ! but French citizen of Chinese origin, for the Chinese government doesn't tolerate multiple citizenship. Therefore, whether a Chinese citizen acquires a foreign nationality, he loses automatically his origin nationality.)*.

Raised by child welfare in France from the age of 12 until the dawn of my 21st birthday. Having been educated there, received the two degrees, the brevet des collèges and the baccalauréat (The 1st is an equivalence of the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), the 2nd is an equivalence of the A-level).

Now I consider France as my adopted country.

I understand Chinese, both oral and written expression albeit I have the year 6 Chinese level. My French level is higher than that of Chinese. Most assuredly, my native language is Wenzhounese that foreigners assimilate it to Japanese, which English-speakers call commonly by "Devil's Language". This one is the hardest language of China.

I have also Wenzhounese accent.

I mainly contribute the French Wikipedia.[1]

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