The Object Exist Faster Then Light

According to the Special Theory of relativity no object travels faster than light but, a black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it so according to this light particles can't escape black hole region so the force that force of black hole to pull every object indore it that definetly faster than light because the gravity of black hole have so much speed within in the region to pulls light particles. Hence is proved the black hole gravity is faster than light particles with in the black hole region because it pulls light into it.

Ex - fast moving car at speed of 100 km per hr so the force for pull the car on opposite direction definetly faster than car speed so assume that pulling force is 200 km on backwards to moving car car gets easily pull.

According to my example black hole gravity is more faster than light speed Within the limited range.