
United Armenia

File:United Armenia map inside phone booth.jpg File:United Armenia map on Yerevan building.jpg

2005 A foreign policy aide to Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, Giorgi Gachechiladze, has reportedly accused the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun), a nationalist party represented in Armenia’s government, of contributing to unrest in Javakheti with the aim of “breaking up” Georgia. The Dashnaktsutyun leadership issued a strongly-worded denial of the accusations on Friday. “The Armenian Revolutionary Federation is pursuing the protection of the rights of the Armenians of Javakhk within Georgia,” it said in a statement. “Statements such as those made by the Georgian president's advisor may only sow disturbance in the Caucasus.” Two Dashnaktsutyun leaders met with Georgia’s recently appointed ambassador to Armenia, Revaz Gochechiladze, to protest Gachechiladze’s remarks on Tuesday. A statement by the party’s press service said the envoy assured Armen Rustamian and Levon Mkrtchian that the Saakashvili adviser did not express the Georgian government’s position on the issue.

Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization policy in the 1950s opened the gates for nationalist rebirth. With the rise of Armenian ethnonationalism in the 1960s and 1970s – which was heavily influenced by diaspora literary traditions and discourse – attention was again largely directed toward reclaiming the lost homeland in Western Armenia and partly toward Artsakh (Karabakh) and Nakhijevan.[1]

Erdogan: "For years, Armenia pursued dreams related to our country's territories, but it learned its lesson with the Karabakh War and settled into its place. Israel's end will also be disappointing."

Hikmet Hajiyev: The aide said that historians in their studies sometimes emphasize that the Armenians represent only Karabakh as their territory. “However, in their studies, historians should take into account that the Armenians wanted to annex not only Karabakh, but also Nakhchivan to Armenia, and present the territory as Eastern Armenia. With the arrival of the great leader Heydar Aliyev in Nakhchivan, these dreams of theirs did not come true. Heydar Aliyev saved Nakhchivan from the fate of Karabakh.;

Ձեզ ո՞վ ասաց, թե Անտանտը պիտի ազատե Հայաստանը, եւ Միացյալ Հայաստանը. ի՞նչ հիմք կար հավատալու խենթ Վիլսոնին, եւ հայասերների դատարկաբանություններին: Ավետիք Իսահակյանի նամակը Սիմոն Վրացյանին. 30-ը մայիսի, 1922թ Armenia doesn’t have territorial claims against any neighbor, including Azerbaijan – Vice Speaker 24 May 2023

Nikol Pashinyan, Ararat Aragats

Students play under a map of [Greater] Armenia at the Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School in the Little Armenia neighborhood of Los Angeles. (Frederic J. Brown / AFP via Getty Images)

[1988] "Lately the Armenian nationalists, including some quite influential people, have started talking again about 'greater Armenia,'" Mr. Kuliyev said. "It's not just Azerbaijan. They want to annex parts of Georgia, Iran and Turkey." Surrounded by hostile peoples on all sides, Armenians have been called the Jews of the Caucasus. Of all the nation- alities in the region, Armenians have traditionally been among the most pro- Russian and pro-Soviet. French anti- Sovietologist Alexandre Bennigsen wrote recently: “At present, Armenians are probably the most Russophilic of all Soviet minorities" (Robert Conquest, ed., The Last Empire [1986]). For Armenian nationalists, the mortal enemy is Turkey not Russia.

During the Cold War the Kremlin tops have to a degree encouraged Armenian nationalism, seeking to direct it against Turkey . a front line NATO state. New towns and villages in the Armenian Soviet Republic were named after former Armenian lands in Anato- lia. Western Cold War propagandists have even accused Moscow of sponsor- ing Armenian revanchist terrorism against Turkey. As if Armenians needed any outside encouragement on that score! However, recent events have demonstrated that Armenian national- ism is not solely directed against Tur- key, as the Kremlin chiefs would like.

Why have the Armenian Stalinist bureaucrats become so assertive in pushing their national claims? Because they believe that Gorbachev’s policies will strengthen their standing, that Armenians are the favored children of perestroika. A march to mourn the Armenian victims of the communalist riots in Sumgait carried signs saying “the pogroms at Sumgait were carried out by the enemies of perestroika." And the main intellectual architect of pere- stroika, Armenian economist Abel Abanbegyan, pushed a government commission which recommended that Karabakh rejoin Armenia.

Since a majority of inhabitants of Nagorno- Karabakh are Armenians who want to be part of the Armenian republic, that is their democratic right. The Kremlin’s flat refusal to consider changing the status inflamed Armenian nationalism and is ultimately responsible for the mass protests in Yerevan and the bloody communalist riots in Sumgait.

Even the head of the Armenian church. Catholikos Vasken 1, declared: “Our people and we are always true to the fraternity of nationalities of the Soviet Union on the basis of the histor- ically proved unbreakable friendship with the Russian people."

As a small Christian people in the Near East, the Armenians have long looked to Russia as a protector against their hostile Islamic neighbors, espe- cially Turkey. The Armenian Dashnaks were the only nationalist party in the Russian empire to support the tsarist autocracy.

As we wrote last spring, “Since a majority of inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh are Armenians who want to be part of the Armenian republic, that is their dem- ocratic right" ("Behind the Armenia Crisis,” WV No. 450, 8 April). But the Karabakh movement is only part of an irredentist program for consolidating Greater Armenia. Next on their agenda is the Autonomous Republic of Na- khichevan, once part of Armenia but now with a majority Azeri population. LTP, 24:18 «ռեալիզմ է պետք, իրատեսություն, ապտրանքները պետք է թոթափել, ծովից ծով Հայաստան, չգիտեմ Քուռ-Արաքսյան հանրապետություն, և այլն և այլն»

Պատերազմ, թե՞ խաղաղություն․ լրջանալու պահը, 1997 Արկածախնդիրների ուղին տանելու է դեպի անխուսափելի պարտություն։ Մենք մի անգամ արդեն, «Ստամբուլը արյան ծով դարձնելով», կորցրել ենք Արեւմտահայաստանը, իսկ մի այլ անգամ՝ պահանջելով Սեւրի դաշնագրով գծված տարածքները, կորցրել ենք Արեւելահայաստանի կեսը։ Լիպարիտյան. Ուզում են Ղարաբաղի, Ջավախքի, Նախիջևանի, Արմտյան Հայաստանի, Կիլիկան, Մեր փափագի հարցը չէ…

Միացյալ Հայաստանի տեսլականի առաջին քայլը Արցախի միացումն է Հայաստանին․ Արամ Ա | CIVILNET

Հարցվածների 41 տոկոսը կարծում են, որ Լեռնային Ղարաբաղը պետք է դառնա սովորական մարզ Հայաստանի

“Augmented Armenia” sees Armenia as an indivisible unit together with Karabakh and the occupied territories surrounding Karabakh (which Broers calls “the wild frontier of Armenian nationalism”)

Hence, the ‘sea to sea’ Armenia envisioned by nationalists takes Cilicia into account as the basis of territorial claims on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.; Panossian 66

After the Genocide the Armenian cause was very much territorialised; that is, it was focused on getting back the homeland. Nationalist demands were reoriented towards a specific territory. Communal rights, autonomy, independence etc. no longer made sense when the land itself was violently stolen.Post-Genocide Armenian identity (especially in the diaspora) therefore came to be associated with a ‘lost homeland’ and the need to regain it.; Panossian 240

The “Political Platform” ratifi ed by the twenty-third World Congress of the ARF in 1985, made the ultimate goal of the party explicit: “The principal political aim of the ARF remains the realization of a free, independent and integral Armenia encompassing the Wilsonian boundaries, Nakhichevan, Gharabagh [Nagorno Karabakh], and Akhalkalak.”39 The Platform also declared that “on the road to the resolution of the Armenian Cause, our enemy is Turkey.” Placing perhaps impossible barriers before any possibility of accommodation, the Dashnaks proclaimed that “the continuing existence of the Turkish empire is fundamentally in opposition with the Armenian Cause,” and concluded that ‘the Armenian people had no choice but to resort to self defense to insure their physical existence and right to selfdetermination.” pp. 63-64 Armenian History and the Question of Genocide Michael M. Gunter Meanwhile, the Treaty of Sevres paved the way for overcoming the consequences of the Genocide. The establishment of the independent Armenian statehood in its ancestral homeland was the fair solution of the “Armenian Question.” Historical justice was being restored. Favorable conditions were created for reinstating our people’s economic and demographic potential and ensuring its natural development.

The influential party adopted what many regard as a pro-Russian foreign policy orientation years before the Soviet collapse, when it was still banned in Armenia and had branches only its worldwide Diaspora.

the traditionally pro-Russian party Last month Armenia made the Sevres Treaty an important part of the country’s foreign policy. For Turkey that became the most important part. I don’t know if our leaders did so knowingly, but the statements by the President and Prime Minister of Armenia were equivalent to a declaration of at least diplomatic war against Turkey

  1. ^ Ter-Matevosyan, Vahram (2023). "From Transcaucasia to the South Caucasus: Structural and Discursive Predicaments in Armenia's Regional Integration". Journal of Borderlands Studies. doi:10.1080/08865655.2023.2200782.