Artist Turbo, who goes by several names, including two: ‘LIL GLO’ & ‘GLO. His real name is Steffon Bradshaw and he’s from Dalzell, South Carolina, right in the in-skirts of Sumter County. He grew up being thw middle child with his younger and older brother. Steffon’s father was already incarcerated before he was born yet, and wasn’t released until he was 8 years old. Growing up turbo explained that his love for music & basketball was outrageous, if he was playing basketball he was somewhere aggravating family members with songs over & over. It was until Steffon turned 17, he knew things were about to change during this time, he made a big jump to California while he was in 11th Grade. During his time in California, thats when Turbo started to take rap serious after his friend ‘Connor’, told him to post a video of a freestyle he rapped for him on Instagram & after receiving a lil buzz & notoriety for his video, Turbo began his rapping career. As of now Turbo resides in Roxbury, Massachusetts with his Label & Music Partners ‘Never Stop Never Lose’, as he is rising to create a name for himself, TURBO tells his friends & family, ‘I’ll never change, thats just not me, I can’t, after all the shit y’all put me through, thats just some that’ll always be there, I’ll never be no industry n****.’ Turbo also recently had a daughter March 24th, 2020, who’s name is ‘Kylie Brielle Bradshaw’, which he states as the ‘Love of His Life