Publish of Prof. Dr. Yousif Ismail Al Mashhadany The University of Anbar / College of Engineering / Departement of Electrical Engineering These publish with COVID-19 only, as follow: First paper: An Analysis Review of Detection Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Based on Biosensor Application Authors: Bakr Ahmed Taha, Yousif Al Mashhadany, Mohd Hadri Hafiz Mokhtar, Mohd Saiful Dzulkefly Bin Zan, and Norhana Arsad Taha, Bakr A., Yousif Al Mashhadany, Mohd H. Hafiz Mokhtar, Mohd S. Dzulkefly Bin Zan, and Norhana Arsad. 2020. "An Analysis Review of Detection Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Based on Biosensor Application" Sensors 20, no. 23: 6764.

Second Paper: Detection of COVID-19 Virus on Surfaces Using Photonics: Challenges and Perspectives Taha, B.A.; Yousif Al Mashhadany, Y.; Bachok, N.N.; Ashrif A Bakar, A.; Hafiz Mokhtar, M.H.; Dzulkefly BinZan, M.S.; Arsad, N. Detection ofCOVID-19 Virus on Surfaces UsingPhotonics: Challenges and Perspectives. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 1119.