Aidan Alexander Aidan Alexander is a 15 year old Hairy Man living in Venitia, PA. He moved here out of Iraq in the 3rd grade and is currently enrolled in Peters Township High School. Many believe that Aidan is Brain-dead, due to his usual lack of consciousness, inability to pay attention, and minimal communications throughout the day, but despite never studying for a test or completing a single sheet of homework ever in his life, he has the grades of someone with an IQ score of 212 and is being offered numerous scholarships from Harvard, Stanford, and CCAC. Aidan plays hockey for the High School team, and will be going D1 next to Drew Wilbert, Eric Wilbert, Alex Wilbert, and Kas Moncek, in his junior year of High School. Aidan owns a dog whom he thoroughly abuses and refers to as his "slave". He also has Turrets.