
Oh, There are User Templates

 This user is a WikiHobbit.
 This user is a mathematician.

Big list o' reorg ideas


Merger suggestions


  Bureaucracy + Civil service (Society)

  Trust (business) + Trust company + Corporate group + Holding company (Society)

  Academic study of Western esotericism into Western esotericism (Society)

  • Already discussed and seconded on the article talk-page
  • The content can probably be pruned significantly before / after moving into the primary page

  Classification + Classification (general theory) + Categorization (Science Basics)

  Primary alcohol into Alcohol (chemistry) (Chemistry)

  • This is an easy one :-)

  Primary carbon, Secondary carbon, Tertiary carbon, Quaternary carbon all into Carbon-carbon bond (Chemistry)

  • Another easy one

  Ice II + Ice III + etc. (Chemistry)

  • Essentially all phases of ice except maybe Ice Ih
  • Two possible approaches:
    • Squeeze them into the current Phases section on the Ice article
    • Split out the Phases section into its own article, then consolidate there

  Aqueduct (water supply) + Navigable aqueduct + Aqueduct (bridge) + Canal (Tech)

  • This will be a challenging one that takes some thinking through
  • Some of these articles should definitely remain separate, but there's a lot of overlap across them

  Assisted-opening knife into Switchblade (Tech)

  • Technically slightly different, but the same idea, with a lot of redundant content

  Manchester Baby and Manchester Mark I into Manchester computers (Tech)

  • A borderline case so ask for consensus first at the article
  • Definitely a lot of redundancy though, especially in the Background sections

  MEMS + Micromachinery + Nanoelectromechanical systems (Tech)

  • Even if keeping the micro- and nano-scale articles separate, there's a lot of redundancy
  • Also check links on the MEMS article for others that could potentially be absorbed

  Solid geometry into Three-dimensional space (Math)

  Symmetry + Symmetry (geometry) (Math)

  • At first glance, makes sense they're separate
  • A close reading shows the Symmetry article is still overwhelmingly mathematical though

New article ideas (or expand in existing articles)


  Benediction sign (Religion)

  • Noticed no direct explanation of benedictio latina & benedictio graeca on English wiki
    • Especially relevant to art history
  • Can migrate over article from French wikipedia: fr:Signe de bénédiction
  • Will need to disambiguate with:
  • Related concepts include Mudra and (parts of) Priestly Blessing
    • Include intro sections and out-link to main articles?

  Event notification (Tech)


  Gossypium vs. Cotton (product)

  • Already split, but could improve cross-links and hatnotes
  • Also check for redundancy between articles

  Sugar vs. Sugarcane vs. Sugar (chemistry) vs. chemical types like Sucrose vs. product classes like Brown sugar

  • Another product vs. source one, but this one gets messy really quick
  • Current suggested course of action
    • Add Sugarcane to hatnote on main article and disambiguation page
    • Move Sugar (chemistry from current redirect (Carbohydrate) to its own page
    • Migrate very specific details from Carbohydrate to Sugar (chemistry)
    • Migrate chemical details from main article to Sugar (chemistry)
    • Consolidate / re-orient specific types like Sucrose to Sugar (chemistry)
    • Consolidate / re-orient specific product classes towards the main article
    • Consolidate cultivation parts of production from main article onto specific source crops

  Palaquium gutta vs. Gutta-percha

  • One more product vs. source one
  • Improve hatnotes and cross-links, then consolidate redundancies
  • Possibly add disambiguation page?

  Western esotericism vs. Exoteric

  • Already discussed this some on talk for Western esotericism
  • Essentially, eso- and exo-teric have two historically related but distinct contexts:
    • In the loose sense, esoteric doctrines vs. more mainstream ideas
    • More technical in philosophical scholarship, when a philosopher's works are believed to be written for select students vs. a general audience
  • Consensus seems to be for the following course of action:
    • Rename Exoteric to Esoteric and exoteric
    • Move content on the scholarly context from Western esotericism to the new page

  Surface vs. Surface (mathematics) vs. Surface (topology) et al.

  • Need to discuss and get consensus; no clear course of action yet but consider the following
  • Migrate out details from Surface (mathematics) to more specific articles, such as:
  • Migrate out generalities from Surface (mathematics) to the main page
  • Re-evaluate Surface (mathematics) page
    • Make a redirect to the main article section if minor enough at that point
  • Re-evaluate specific articles for further consolidation with each other
    • E.g. Coordinate surfaces vs. Solid geometry

VA bot task list


The VA project is especially starting to pick up at level 5, which is at a whole different scale. Cewbot already does a lot, but I'm interested in trying something new and maybe taking up a bit of the load:

  Preliminary research and planning

  • Want to try doing an initial version in Lua even though it doesn't have a bot framework
  • Shouldn't be too bad though if I keep the logic clean and Mediawiki API calls simple
  • Can always fall back onto Python / PyWikibot if necessary

  Check I won't be stepping on Cewbot's toes

  • Spoke with Kanashimi who said a 2nd bot would be good
  • Cewbot's code is available if I decide to fall back onto JS and reuse it

  Create skeletal architecture

  • Main process, API calls, empty task worker, support library

  Figure out test environment and deployment

  • Investigate developer access further
  • Also download database dump & run locally?
  • Research and start bot approval process

Bot task #1: Compile vitality metrics


This will not drive any editing for the medium-term, just provide context for editors.

  Consider just defining a SQL query

  • See [1] for more details

  Then use the bot to automate the run

  • Manual run button for refresh is an option though
  • No need to run often (quarterly?) and can also run very politely / slowly

  Provide results table if query interface doesn't

  • Table will ideally be sortable and flexible
    • May need to trade-off some with pagination though (for data-size)
  • Breakout columns can use lexicographic sorting
  • If table needs to be exported / dumped, consider a WP:VA subpage

  Figure out sampling strategy

  • Data size may be the big issue so start small
  • Current VA portion of sample can from Wikipedia:Vital articles/data
    • These json files are maintained by Cewbot
  • Also sample based on the actual metrics (e.g. 10k most popular articles)
    • Overlap between sample sets shouldn't be an issue (actually helps trim data size)

  Query a first-version set of vitality estimators

  • According to the following table:
Vitality Estimation Metrics
Metric Frame Expected dynamics Breakout? Other comments Implementation status
Pageviews Moving average (MA) Cyclical and fluid 3, 12, & 36 month MAs  
Watchers Current Sticky  
Interwikis Current Sticky  
Wikilinks Current Sticky In- and out-links Article namespace only  
Wikiproject priorities Current Stable Tally by rank  
VA level Current Stable Context only, not suggested as VA proposal factor (circularity)  
Assessment Current Stable Context only, not suggested as VA proposal factor (circularity)  

Bot task #2: Collate historical list size data


This was a request on the VA talk pages, may be more insightful for Lv 4 and 5 subpages.

  Grab more recent counts from edit-descriptions

  • Probably the simplest strategy going back as far as Cewbot documents the section count
    • Obviously, won't be 100% accurate for all times (e.g. if Cewbot was down for maintenance)

  Export data dump somewhere

  • This may make more sense as a table or page under WP:VA
  • The data should mostly (barring corrections) be append-only

  Include moving-average calculations in data dump

  (Wishlist) Data-mine actual page-versions prior to Cewbot

  • This could get tedious so probably won't implement anytime soon

Other miscellaneous tasks


These are just various ideas or little tweaks the bot could eventually do. Several may just entail taking on some responsibilities from Cewbot.

  Flag duplicates within a single level

  • Cewbot already does this too

  Detect category crossovers between levels

  • For example, if Petroleum is in Chemistry at one level and Tech at another

  Auto-resolve redirects

  • Cewbot may already do this

  Flag other non-article types (lists, disambig, etc.)

  Update the landing page tables at Lv4 and 5 automatically

  Update any other quota indicators from a single source of truth