Usability Analysis of

The task that was given stated that a user would be assigned to locate a telephone number that deals with lost baggage. There the user would proceed in going through different menus and sub menus in an attempt to locate and identify the right numbers for the lost baggage office. There will be two users for this task, which would be the expert user and the new user. First and foremost the expert user will go forth and document the different aspects and characteristics of the site assigned ( And after the new user will attempt to locate the lost baggage office telephone number. Then the expert user will therefore document the new user experience whiles his/her searches the site for the telephone number.

The aspects and characteristics of

the layout of the menus and sub menus on the homepage of the united sited very poor, this layout is very messy and all over the place. The menu system also resembles windows 8 start menu tiles , which didn't get very much positive comments. Adding to that the tiles layout are not even organized in an orderly fashion. It is randomly placed in different places of the homepage. However , atleast the tiles and texts are not overlapping with each other.

Color choices and contrast were poor in certain parts of the site. There were certain tiles on the homepage which were yellow and the font color was white , clearly this two color combinations will pose a serious difficulty in reading it due the low color contrast between yellow and white , especially with a thin font and visual impaired persons. Also there was red tile on the homepage for one the menus, now you might be asking " why would a mention a normal red tile ". Then Must i tell you that the shade of red that creator choose to use is widely associated with signs of the meaning ( stop, caution, danger and etc ) for example red ligths, stop signs, caution and danger signs and etc. therefore the creator could simply use a different shade or different hue of red for the background and that would determine the color of the fonts. Note as well I will strongly advise the use of colors which would keep the font color the same.

The united airlines site homepage lack a central location where a user could be able to access all types of help information, assistances and FAQ information. There is no 1 simple button click way to access this information on the homepage, however , into further intensive inspection of the site , this information does exist on the sit although it is deep in sub menus after sub menus on menus. It would be much easier especially for the mentally impaired and elderly, if there was a dedicated help button big an bold on the homepage in case they need to get various information such as contact information, FAQ and etc.

the above information was the main aspects and characteristics of the united airlines website

the following information details how the expert goes forth to locate the lost baggage office number on the united site. First and foremost, the expert needs to start himself off on the homepage of the united site, then navigate to the travel information menu tab on the top of the homepage. Then he must scroll down and identify the section for baggage information or click on baggage information, now the expert user will click on checked baggage issues under the damage, delayed or lost baggage section. Then scroll and the number will be located in one of the paragraphs that details about damage, delayed and lost baggage.

Now the following information details how the new user went about locating the lost baggage office number, first of all, the new user started on the homepage of the united website. Then he vigorously searches for a menu, tab or button relating to Help options. After a few seconds he finally locates a contact us button. After, it brings him to a list menu which contains all different contact information. Then he scrolls down until he sees a menu which is written damaged, delayed or lost baggage. And he click it , which leads to a drop down page with a whole set of contact information for the lost baggage office.