Media for my article

Portrait of Lionel Bull
Lionel Bull in the field conducting investigation into Myxoma Virus in Rabbits - collecting primary data

References from my proposal


This is a site, that provides biographic information about Lionel Bull, that i will be using in my article [1]

This is a book that i will also be using in my article about Lionel Bull. [2]

This information document provide a thorough insight into the history of veterinary science in Australia. [3]

This source from the Historical Records of Australian Science provides a deep and technical insight into Lionel Bull's investigations. [4]

This source also provides a further understanding of Lionel Bull's research contributions. [5]

  1. ^ "Lionel Batley Bull [1889-1978]". CSIROpedia. 2011-02-13. Retrieved 2020-03-30.
  2. ^ Butcher, Barry (2000). Of Vets, Viruses and Vaccines: The Story of the Animal Health Research Laboratory, Parkville. CSIRO Publishing.
  3. ^ "A Veterinary Awakening: The History of Government Veterinarians in Australia - Department of Agriculture". Retrieved 2020-04-19.
  4. ^ Edwards, Natalie (2009). "From Beverley Disease to Braxy to Enterotoxaemia: the Journey of a Disease in Western Australian Livestock and the Transmission of Veterinary Knowledge in Australasia". Historical Records of Australian Science. 20 (2): 191–207. doi:10.1071/hr09010. ISSN 1448-5508.
  5. ^ "Lionel Battley Bull C.b.e". Australian Veterinary Journal. 54 (8): 402–402. 1978. doi:10.1111/j.1751-0813.1978.tb02519.x. ISSN 1751-0813.