
Little Toe Fungus Origins


Little Toe Fungus is a comical experimental yap rap group started by "Little Toe Fungus" and "Carcass" sometime in 2022 while they were playing 7 days to die. A random thought crossed one of their minds that they should start a mock rap group named "Little Toe Fungus."

The first ever Little Toe Fungus song was recorded that same day. It was jokingly named "Sex Money." The original song was edited in iMovie and was finished in about a week, but the original file was accidentally deleted due to it being stored on an old iPad with a storage problem. Due to this incident they decided to shelve LTF for a while.

Little Toe Fungus's Return


It's now 04/19/2024 and during a 5 hour discord call Little Toe Fungus and Carcass decided to pull LTF out of the damp smelly basement and begin working on songs once again.

Production of "Antidisestablishmentarianism"


Antidisestablishmentarianism is the 1st "studio" album by Little Toe Fungus and was officially released onto Youtube on September 22, 2024, but was slightly delayed due to Youtube having an upload limit. The rest of the album was uploaded the next day.

  • Album Intro: This was the first song created by LTF in 2 years, and was made the same day they decided to bring LTF back from the grave. The radio announcer was played by Carcass and he constantly messed up his lines, because he kept confusing Idaho for Ohio. It took 9 minutes for him to get it right. Strangely the intro is the most viewed video on the Official Little Toe Fungus YouTube Channel at the moment.
  • In the Beginning: In the Beginning was meant to give off the vibe that the album was gonna be super serious in the first couple of seconds with the songs intro, but is immediately stomped out with a fart sound effect.
  • Lamb Sauce: This song was made simply, because Gordan Ramsey is funny as hell
  • Anti Domestic Mormonism: This song is made to make fun of Amish and Mormon people just because. The title and idea of the song came from a random word generator, because they had no idea what else to write.

There was a small period of hiatus in which no songs were produced after Anti Domestic Mormonism due to personal stuff getting in the way preventing the group from making songs for a couple of months. During that time the group acquired a brand new member. Nicknamed "Larry" A.K.A "Red Leader Weiner" who played a big part in getting LTF some attention and also providing some much needed help in musical production.

Shortly after Red Leader Weiner joined the group they managed to start up the production machine once again and start cranking out music.

  • Fucky Shit: This song is meant to be extremely dumb. It's given away through the dumber then usual lyrics which include:

"First I got out of my car and I went to the bathroom. Shit everywhere cause I had Taco Bell. I been put under a diarrhea spell that I went to the grocery store. Motherfucker they were selling condoms for $4.99 bitch I bought some of those condoms and then I fucked your bitch."

At the 50 second mark of the song there's a really unexpected and really loud goregrind part that's meant to make fun of the producer and his "quality" beat manufacturing.

  • Opioid Overdose: Opioid Overdose is meant to be a reference to "Dead set on Suicide" by Cattle Decapitation even attempting to copy the beginning drum solo in the song. The chocking sound was meant to be preformed by LTF during the song, but his microphone didn't catch the sound so there's an awkward pause in the recording. So the sound had to be recreated by the producer Carcass. The sound was meant to sound as accurate to the actual sound of someone overdosing on opioids. The way the sound was created was through building up a bunch of saliva in the mouth and gurgling on it, and attempting to breath at the same time.
  • Snitches get Stiches: There's not much to say about this song except for the South Park sample. Strangely instead of taking the sample directly from the show the producer decided to instead take it from the song "Gastrointestinal Rape by Cerebral Incubation" mostly, because he didn't feel bothered to find the actual episode.
  • Sex Money: This was an essential song for the group to finish considering it was the first song ever written by LTF. The song is extremely similar to the original song except for the lyrics, because LTF has really inconstant lyrics because it's just yapping.
  • Going Postal: Going Postal is a massive reference to the original postal game released in 1997. The intro even includes the chant "Media vita in morte sumus." If translated into English it means "In the midst of life we are in death."
  • Urban Warfare: There's not much to this song. It's just a generic drill rap song ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Sacrilegious Scorching: The entire point of this song is to provide a proper introduction to the final song of the album. The audio depicts someone burning down a church and then having a cultic ritual to celebrate the occasion. At the end of the ambient track the voice of Pelle Yngve Ohlin from Morbid and Mayhem can be heard screaming "Only death is real." Which was sampled from Mayhem's "Live in Leipzig" on the song "Deathcrush."
  • Antidisestablishmentarianism: Antidisestablishmentarianism is the final song of the album and is meant to be a proper and satisfying ending to a truly ridiculous album. The instrumentals and yapping is a bit more clean and polished compared to the other songs. During the songs production there was originally gonna be a black metal part that would be sung by Carcass to end the album off with an atmospheric note, but the idea was scrapped due to it taking up to much time.

Production of "Pandemonium, Fungus among us, Crash out"


Pandemonium is the 2nd "studio" album by Little Toe Fungus released to the public onto Youtube on