Wikipedia has a civil policy, now you may ask, "Why do I never hear of people enforcing this?" Well, there are multiple reasons.

  • Wikipedia has editors known as unblockables, people who are "established editors" that no one can punish without fear of being punished/yelled at/etc. themselves.

How to fix this


We stop treating "established editors" as if they are above Wikipedia policies/guidelines, and handle them accordingly. If that means blocking the very first Wikipedia editor, then so be it. I am a STRONG believer of being civil on Wikipedia, in case you were not aware. When newcomers are scared away because they are met with editors that do nothing but criticize them, not their work, but them, they aren't going to stay!



Admins, you were given adminship to enforce policies and guidelines, so do it! Editors, follow ALL policies and guidelines, regardless if you've been here since Wikipedia's first day of existence. Newcomers, stand up to rude uncivil editors, let your voice be heard! People who disagree with this, please see this