Musalira Zulu aka Dj Spencer

Was born on 18th November 1995 in Chadiza at Msalira village Chief Zingalume Eastern province zambia.

Musalira started grade one(1) at zingalume community school in 2002.He later went to Robbie community school in 2004 where he proceeded grade 3.

In 2008, Musalira wrote his grade 7 examination at Katantha primary school and later in 2009 he was was selected at Chadiza basic school to study grade 8 and 9 after scoring 711 marks.

In 2010 Musalira sat for grade 9 leaving examination council of zambia and passed well by scoring 380 marks. He later joined grade 10 at chadiza boarding secondary school.

In 2013, He completed grade 12 And obtained a full grade 12 school certificate.

In 2014, he moved to lusaka zambia to study business administration, a degree program but he did not finish due financial. He later joined secondary teaching course in 2015 but he could not finish too due to financial.

Musalira has experience in sports betting, casino dealing and computer repairing.