It doesn't surprise me one iota that these "acclaimed" anthropologists made their claims over 50 years after carbon dating was invented by Willard Libby. Merely look to the method of obtaining degrees from schools of "higher learning" such as those attempted by actresses Lori Laughlin, and Felicity Huffman for their daughters. Money can now purchase degrees from what were America's most esteemed universities. These leftist leaning professors now specialize in degrees of Arts in gender and race, as well as sexual and religious identity and including social justice. They rule the halls of the America's once great centers of learning. These professors teach (or rather drill into the heads of naive young students) their left leaning ideals learned from the ayers, dorhns, and rosenbergs of the 60's. And who introduced ayers into America's educational system? He'd made professor at the University of Il. at Chicago by then and hosted a meet and greet coffee for hussein obama who was running for state senate. For those who don't know ayers was a top leader of the radical weather underground. The most famous, or should I say infamous, radical group that created political violence in the late 60's and early 70's. Not surprisingly ayers girlfriend at the time bernardine dorhn, whom ayers married in 82 while they were on the run from the FBI,and also a founder of the WU, became a clinical associate professor at Northwester University Law school.But I digress, the reason I started this page was to show why the Bat Creek stone was adjudicated a fake. Obama who owed ayers everything became chairman of a board that oversaw the distribution of grants in Chicago. In fact it's been widely speculated that ayers got obama the position. And since 87 ayers has been a professor of education at the U of I and an advocate of school reform. This discussion could easily lead into how the two of them took the American educational system into the abysmal condition it's in, but I'll leave it with their relationship with the Rev.Jeremiah Wright. A pastor, black liberation theologist, and most notorious for his God damn America sermon. This proves how easily the minions of evil can sweep God and His artifacts under the rug without much if any commotion, and how it was done with the Bat Creek Stone.

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