Sorry I meant kill as in baptize myself. I am a Christian and i live near a river ,we call rivers up north 'kills' like the Arthur van Kill (in Staten Island) so when i say 'kill myself' i mean baptize myself in the arthur van kill ,JC7V-constructive zone 04:48, 5 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

when i say 'kill' i meant 'baptize myself in the Arthur Kill' i baptize myself when i hear liberals doing dumb things. JC7V-constructive zone 04:50, 5 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

See when i get angry at liberals, I baptize myself in the Arthur Kill, it helps stay refreshed and focused. I would never harm myself or anyone. Staten Island is beautiful with hills, beaches, NYC skyline ,Outerbridge, Goethels Bridge. I love Staten Island. AND it's republican like me JC7V-constructive zone 04:57, 5 August 2018 (UTC)Reply