You referred me to RFD and told me to ask him a question about some changes he made to some of my additions. However there does not appear to be a way to talk to RFD -- it says he is having health issues and may not be able to respond. So I cannot see how to send him a message. He should not be able to change things if he is unavailable to discuss why he is doing so.

Regarding listing both the 2010 census and the 2000, somebody -- maybe FLD -- left me a set of city names that use both sets of data. So here is a set of cities that do not:

Milwaukee Wauwatosa Madison Chicago Cedarburg

Then there is a statement: "do the right thing."

I guess "the right thing" depends on your perspective. I am just trying to add information to a very bland page about Greendale,Wisconsin -- to give the average person a flavor for what the community is like. I am sorry, but I find it hard to believe that the average reader of Wikipedia comes to the site to learn historic demographics for cities and towns. They can find that information elsewhere if they want it, but a current set of data seems like all that is needed. That seems like the right thing to me.

A comment was also left regarding my wanting to leave in information about Whitnall Park -- suggesting that it was "boosterism."

When a small community is "next door" to the largest park in Milwaukee County, which offers a very nice golf course, a beautiful arboretum, a wonderful nature center, and miles of hiking and biking trails, to me it is not boosterism to mention it. This is the kind of information I would like to know about Greendale -- so that is why I added it.

I am an occasional contributor to Wikipedia and I don't know all "the rules" written and unwritten, which I seem to bump up against regularly when I try to contribute. I only contribute in areas/topics I know about. When I contribute, I think about what might have been in a printed encyclopedia -- or what I would like to know if I were a visitor to a page. Do you want contributors like me? Do you care about my perspective? Can we carry on a civil dialog about a topic? You more serious Wikipedia folks need to tread a little more tightly on folks like me.

I still don't know how the four tildes are supposed to be used.

Sleeve Honest (talk) 00:13, 1 May 2016 (UTC)Sleeve HonestReply