Hi, we have a policy that does not allow e-mail addresses as usernames. Your username ([email protected]) has been blocked indefinitely because your username is an e-mail address. Because using your e-mail address will make you a tempting target for spammers, you have been blocked for this purpose. You are encouraged to create a new account and contribute to Wikipedia under a more appropriate username, and in a constructive manner. See Wikipedia:Username for guidance on selecting an appropriate username. You may also edit Wikipedia without creating an account. You are not allowed to edit Wikipedia under an inappropriate username. If you would like to discuss the block, you may edit your talk page or email the administrator who blocked you.

Due to Wikipedia's mechanism for enforcing name changes, your IP address may be temporarily blocked. Unless you have also been engaging in vandalism or impersonation of another user, we will remove that block as soon as possible — if this doesn't happen within an hour or so, please email an administrator and explain the situation (see the list of administrators).

If you want to keep the contributions from your old account for your new one, please add the following to your user talk page: {{Username change request|new username}} (or {{ucr|new username}} for short). This is possible because even when you are blocked, you can still edit your own talk page. Note that this can only be done before you create the new one. If you wish to change to a new username, please visit Wikipedia:Changing username for information. In many cases (especially if your account has few or no edits), it is a lot easier to simply create a new account.

ERcheck (talk) 11:35, 18 September 2006 (UTC)Reply