Dates in A Song of Ice and Fire


Dating schemes






A month-like concept in Westeros is the turn, or "moon's turn", probably a full lunar orbit. Menstruation is is called the "moon's blood", from which it can be assumed that a turn (and the female menstrual cycle) lasts an Earth month.



Aegon's Landing


The calendar used in the novels counts years, beginning with Aegon's Landing (AL). Aegon the Conqueror's reign begins in 1 AL, though it is unclear if that date refers to the moment his troops landed on the site that became King's Landing, or to his coronation after the Wars of Conquest. Earlier dates, before Aegon's Landing, can be given in negative numbers.

Outside the Seven Kingdoms


The wildlings count seasons, and know the concept of years, but lacking any kind of written tradition, few wildllings seem to know even their own age in years.




208 AL
The Hedge Knight
211 AL
The Sworn Sword
298 AL
A Game of Thrones
299 AL
A Clash of Kings
299–300 AL
A Storm of Swords

Major events in A Song of Ice and Fire


Tyrion's timeline

  • -35 - Tyrion sups with Cersei Bran and Rickon are "dead". Alayay is caught. In the evening, Tyrion learns of the secret passage.
  • -33 - Battle of the Blackwater
  • -30 - Joffrey's Court right after the Blackwater, date unknown. Tywin accepts the handship. Joffrey is betrothed to Maergery, Ser Loras is welcomed into the Kingsguard. Dontos to Sansa, the same night: "The wedding won't be for a moon's turn yet".
  • -28 - Alayaya whipped must happen after the Blackwater battle
  • -24 - Tyrion's bandages are removed He sends for Bronn
  • -20 - Tyrion meets Tywin Tarly and Gregor have been sent to Duskendale. Royal wedding date is set, and Podrik asks Tyrion "Will you be well enough to attend?". Alayaya was freed "eight-nine days ago, after the whipping". Tyrion sent for Bronn "four days ago, more like"
  • -17 - Battle of Duskendale Randyll Tarly shatters Robett Glover and Helman Tallhart. Robett Glover taken after fleeing. Tallhart believed dead. (Robb later decides to trade Martyn Lannister for Glover).
  • -16 - Joffrey's small council meets. Varys reports of the Duskendale battle "yesterday". Littlefinger leaves for the Vale.
  • -15 Tyrion weds Sansa Sansa will be "thirteen when the moon turns".
  • -5 Tyrion meets Oberyn

  • -4 Lannisters meet and receive news of RW. Time of day: evening (Tyrion had supper with Sansa, with overcooked pease, and looked at his books, when the summons come). Possibly same day as Red Wedding, but probably the next. We don't know how close this is to new year's eve.
  • 1 I 300. King Joffrey dies

Robb's timeline

  • Catelyn releases Jaime. The same day, she received news that Bran and Rickon are dead
  • -28 News of Sansa's wedding reaches Riverrun. (Possibly even on the same day as the wedding)
  • -27 Hoster Tully dies. (Day after above) Lame Lothar Frey settles the Edmure-Frey match. This is after Duskendale.
  • -25 Robb dispatches Martyn Lannister, escorted by Rolph Spicer, before he leaves Riverrun, the same day he receives Tywin's consent about the exchange
  • -23 Robb's host leaves Riverrun
  • -22 Next day: heavy rain
  • -21 Robb's host passes through the Whispering Wood
  • -16 Bridge at Fairmarket is down (five days later)
  • -8 Robb's host reaches Oldstones, another 8 days later
  • -6 Robb meets Lord Mallister at Hag's mire, several days later. King Balon's dead (at least 3 days, possible more than a week).
  • -3 Robb arrives at the Twins.
  • -3 Red Wedding. Possibly the same day as their arrival.

Jaime's timeline

  • Jaime arrives at Harrenhal Richard Karstark is dead.
  • 19/10 Jaime and Roose dine. By this time, Bolton is invited to Edmure's wedding. Arya Stark has been "found".
  • 20/10 Aenys Frey leaves Harrenhal for Edmures's wedding.
  • 24/10 Jaime and Bolton leave Harrenhal. [Three days after Aenys left.]
  • 25/10 Jaime rescues Brienne at Harrenhal, the next day
  • 3/11 Battle at the Ruby Ford. Clegane catches Bolton's rear when they cross the Trident. Lost: mainly Norrey, Locke, Burley men, Ser Wylis Manderly taken. Ronnel Stout and Kyle Condon hold the North bank with 600 men (Stout, Cerwyn, Hornwood, from the rills, and the White Knife).

Davos' timeline

  • Davos is made King Stannis' hand. Leeches are burned, so Balon is probably not dead yet.
  • King Stannis receives RW news, days later. Balon dead. Davos can read

Arya's timeline

  • 'Arya leaves Harrenhall. This is after the fall of Winterfell, and after the Blackwater. Bolton orders Tallhart to destroy Darry and head for Duskendale. The Freys have just received word of Robb's wedding