exchange of snark stemming from debate on Bill Ritter article


A message from your friendly, local "shill"


Check 'em out! They come in handy. Editor19841 (talk) 00:30, 10 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Wait, I think I know how to play this game:

To be fair, you're right. I was being kind of rude. On the other hand, you haven't said anything that indicates I'm wrong. Brennen 03:23, 10 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hello again my friend. I've got more tips for ya':
When I saw those last two, it made me think of you (and I'm not even being sarcastic when I say that). Also:
Just another message from your favorite, Colorado-grown "shill". Editor19841 (talk) 00:41, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Maybe it is possible to reset this to something like a civil conversation.
I'm going to try this once more: I am not interested. It is not important to me. I do not now care, nor have I in the past cared, nor am I likely in the future to ever care about the conduct or outcome of the recent Colorado gubernatorial race. And, though I am not exceptionally fond of the Democratic Party, I hold the GOP on whose behalf you keep implying that I act in almost boundless contempt. (Nay, loathing.) Sorry, but I'm a radical leftist with anarchist leanings and a mildly deviant lifestyle, and dammit, I've worked hard for it.
I feel like I've already made, at the least, my disinterest in the politics at hand as plain as I can. Given this, it seems like you're either acting under the assumption that I'm lying, or you're continuing to write me off as a Republican partisan because it's a useful rhetorical strategy.
So what is it? Do you think I'm lying, or what? I mean, I've already accused you of a couple of the bigger sins in the wikipedia-verse, so lay it on out... Brennen 10:19, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
I have a difficult time believing you, and I'm sure you do in my case as well. I am not a plagiarist, a shill, etc. If you are telling the truth, you're more liberal than I am, and I'm the most progressive Democrat in my family. Look, I'm just trying to get some work done here and that’s it. If you want to fight, go some place else or quit coming after me with your pathetic little remarks and your blog. This debate is pointless, stupid, and long past overdue to end. I am innocent of your charges, and think that you're politically motivated to no end. Have a nice, biased, not so nice-nice day, and please check out the links I left you. See ya' around. Editor19841 (talk) 00:44, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
If I'm a politically motivated conservative, I must've been plotting my halfhearted post-election 2006 character assassination of a single Colorado Democrat for an impressively long time. You might try Occam's Razor on for size. At any rate, I've said my piece. Brennen 03:18, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



Sorry for taking so long to answer (I was away for 3 hours). I wanted to wiki-link the Governor-elect to Governor (so as to show the office, the govs-elect were scheduled to assume). However, I didn't no how to remove the brackets. I'll try (this time), to remove the wiki-links, just living govern-elect of 'said state'. Sorry for the troubles. GoodDay 21:38, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hey - Thanks for getting back. I'd hope you don't need to apologize for a 3 hour lag time on your talk page... Anyway, it looks like whatever goes in the "office=" field on the Infobox_Governor template gets put in-between double brackets, so since I just put Governor-elect of Colorado there, it's currently a link to Governor-elect of Colorado. This isn't quite as useful as just a link to Governor of Colorado, but I don't think the template is quite intended for candidates-elect who haven't been sworn in yet. My suggestion for the moment would be to just use "Governor of Colorado" and use the correct starting date, or maybe there's a more appropriate template to use until the inauguration. Brennen 22:40, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

PS, do you know how I can change Governor-elect of Colorado to Governor-elect of Colorado? GoodDay 21:52, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here. Could you elaborate? The text in the template shows up bolded, I think. If you mean getting rid of the link, you'd probably have to edit the template itself, which I suspect would break a lot of pages. Brennen 22:40, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
I was wundering, if their was a way to write in Governor-elect of Colorado, without a wiki-link ( bold) as their's no article called Governor-elect of Colorado? Every time I try to use Governor-elect of Colorado (eg. black bold), I always get these ''' ''' on either sides. GoodDay 02:00, 12 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Doesn't look like it, without changing the template. Brennen 05:03, 12 November 2006 (UTC)Reply