
Thanks for at least saying something. (Are you the former anon. IP editor?) So I checked the link; it says nothing about a population figure of 150,000 (it does mention 125,000). What you said makes no sense: if the population today is aboiut 350,000, then of course its population was (about) 150,000 at some point in the past, n'est-ce pas?

In any case, this is a quibble. I'm interested in what exactly you think is so biased an inaccurate about the account given in this page. Not disputing you, just curious. +ILike2BeAnonymous 04:05, 19 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Здравей! Тази статия е наистина обидна и отвратителна, обаче аз не разбирам много от компютри и нямам представа как да забраня на някой да редактира в уикипедия; за тази цел пиши на Тодор Божинов. Обаче ще се старая да премахвам този линк от статията за Пловдив и съм писал в дискусията. Който иска да добавя този линк, тряба да пише защо и ние ще го оборим. --Gligan 09:59, 15 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Regarding your recent message to me: 1. Sockpuppets: I agree, bad. (I'm dealing with someone using them elsewhere: really frustrating and irritating.) 2. Multiple occurrences of a link in an article: I agree, bad.

Beyond that I'm going to have to go over this material a little more carefully before I can give you a proper reply. +ILike2BeAnonymous 07:00, 26 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

By the way, just for laughs, I ran the Bulgarian comments above through one of those free Web translators (SkyCode WebTrance), and here's what it gave:

Hi! This article is truly offensive and grave, though i understand numerous of computers and do not have impression that how yes somebody vetoes Edit in Wikipedia ; For that target write to Тодор Божинов. I will endeavor to have canceled that линк from the article for Plovdiv and have corresponded in the discussion though. That It wants to put that on to write линк, тряба Why We will disprove him.

(I'm puzzled why it couldn't translate линк to "link"; even I can figure that one out!) And who is Todor Bozhinov? +ILike2BeAnonymous 07:13, 26 June 2007 (UTC)Reply