User talk:CryptoDerk/CDVF/archive 1

Latest comment: 19 years ago by CryptoDerk in topic Index out of bounds exception



I'm using CDVF on MacOSX 10.3. It seems to be working just fine, but the fact that it opens each diff in a new Safari window is a bit annoying -- I'd prefer it if there was a way of choosing to either open in a new window, or open in the same window as the last diff. (It's also a little annoying that it uses Safari rather than Mozilla, but I don't suppose that's something you can do anything about.) --Carnildo 20:09, 9 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Someone on IRC reported they were using OS X 10.4 and Safari and they said it worked fine too. The browser-launching code I'm using is like 4 years old. I know I need to implement something with JNLP to get things working properly, but the behavior should be to lauch your "preferred" browser. I'll make sure to note this. Thanks for the feedback. CryptoDerk 20:17, May 9, 2005 (UTC)

Nice tool. I'm using the JRE 1.4 version, but double clicking doesn't launch any browser (Debian GNU/Linux Sarge system). Is there any way to configure the browser?

Another issue is that the autoscrolling doesn't consistently catch up, so after a few seconds, I get a lag between the visible area and the latest edits (this is notable on English WP RC, where there's often a lot of changes in succession).--Eloquence* 20:37, May 9, 2005 (UTC)

Hm. This can likely be fixed very soon. I will add an option which will make the scrolling either catch up or not catch up. I tend to like it such that it doesn't move (that way you run less of a risk of clicking on something you didn't want to), but everyone has their own preferences. Thanks for checking it out and giving feedback. Keep checking back for new versions and to give more suggestions! CryptoDerk 21:01, May 9, 2005 (UTC)

I love the feature, and I have some requests which would make it even better:

  1. Allow the columns to be sorted, so I can easily see the ones on my watchlist, or so I can see which edits have had most text removed.
  2. Allow it to be paused. I don't want it running all the time, but I don't want to have to wait for it to reconnect to IRC whenever I want it to restart.
  3. Clickable links in the edit summaries.
  4. Colors. It would be nice to have new articles highlighted in a color rather than just with a checkbox. Allowing me to enter words which would always be highlighted if they appeared in a title or edit summary could also be useful.
  5. An option to select multiple languages to watch at once.
  6. The ability to select a number of links at once, so I could watch for new pages created by anons and open 20 of them at the same time.

I'm using JRE 1.5 on XP and it all seems to work perfectly. Angela. 00:51, May 10, 2005 (UTC)

Thanks for the feedback. I was planning on doing all that (except the pause button, which is a good idea and I'll add tonight). The colors and column sorting may take a bit longer to implement, but pause and clickable edit summary will work in the next version. Note that I realize the blacklist/watchlist is currently pretty useless because all it does is show a check box.. I was halfway done implementing the "Spamassassin"-esque scoring, but decided to hold off on it for a while. Thanks again! CryptoDerk 01:02, May 10, 2005 (UTC)
Multiple languages will happen eventually. Probably relatively soon, as it's easy to implement. Modifying the table for multiple selection should prove to be interesting, but doable. CryptoDerk 02:43, May 10, 2005 (UTC)

CDVF on Linux


On Linux (Gentoo, using the Blackdown JRE version 1.4.2-01), the live RC listing works, but double-clicking to display a diff in a web browser doesn't work: nothing happens, no error message is displayed either as a dialog or in the xterm I ran it from. Also, are the columns supposed to be adjustable? Moving the mouse pointer to between two colums gives a size cursor, but dragging doesn't do anything. --Carnildo 01:32, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I'm currently working on the URL issue. I've been talking with Kim about this. He's offered to work on the code some (once I get it cleaned up such that people won't laugh at me). Right now the browser code I'm using to launch is from here. We'll likely work something out with JNLP. Regarding the columns, some columns are meant to not be resizable, others (like article name, user name, edit summary), are. There's a minor bug right now that the "T" column is resizable, but that will be fixed tonight. Check back in an hour or two :) Thanks for the info! CryptoDerk 01:45, May 10, 2005 (UTC)
Looking through the BrowserLaunch code made the problem obvious: it's expecting Netscape, but I don't have that installed. Creating a symbolic link to Opera named "netscape" fixed the problem, except that new URLs are always opened in the current tab, rather than a new tab. --Carnildo 01:57, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
OK, thanks for the info. If the JNLP stuff doesn't work out, I might just modify the BrowserLaunch code as appropriate. Regarding new tab vs. current tab, perhaps there is an option that can be set in your browser? I'm using Firefox with Tabbrowser Extension and when I double click things open in a new tab, though I have it set to "Open links from external applications" in a new tab. Maybe Opera gives you that kind of option somewhere? I will, however, look to see if that is something that can be done from within the CDVF application. CryptoDerk 02:10, May 10, 2005 (UTC)

Just a brief note that symlinking firefox to netscape did the trick for me as well. I've added a note to that effect to the page.--Eloquence*

I got ambitious and wrote up an Opera-compatibility Perl script. Save it as "netscape" somewhere in your execution path, and make sure to set it executable:

($url) = $ARGV[1] =~ /openURL\((.*)\)/;
exec("/usr/bin/opera -newpage '$url'");

Carnildo 04:09, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Making available


Nice. May I assume that you are soon going to link this from somwhere more stable than the Village Pump? -- Jmabel | Talk 04:27, May 10, 2005 (UTC)

I don't know that there's a better place to put the notification. Additionally I don't want to run around and spam a bunch of places (I only mentioned it in IRC once, on WP once, and on Meta once), but if you feel like you want to put a link to it somewhere, go for it. Also keep in mind that this is a very new program, so there are likely to be a lot of updates fairly rapidly. Additionally, I know some people are turned off by the fact that the source isn't available yet -- so I don't want to lose users that I might have easily gotten in a few days! CryptoDerk 04:39, May 10, 2005 (UTC)

open proxy


beautiful, i love it. Can you add a button to check ips for open proxies. ?? (ps works good on windows XP)-- 04:29, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Aside from just manually importing a list of known open proxies, there's not much else you can do there. You can manually add them to the blacklist (and in future versions you will be able to have edits by blacklisted people show up in different colors). CryptoDerk 04:39, May 10, 2005 (UTC)
Once I can get my hands on the source, I'll see about putting in a few open proxy checks, at least for Linux. --Carnildo 06:18, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply



I added CDVF to Wikipedia:Tools, but maybe it deserves a bigger mention than the short one I gave it. That whole page needs an overhaul, anyway... And, for the record, CDVF working perfectly for me on WinXP SP2 with Java 1.5. -- grm_wnr Esc 12:55, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

CVDF on Win2K with Firefox


Just letting you know that I'm trying it out. Seems to work okay, but I need to get a better feel for it before I can tell whether I like it. Wikipedia's current slowness isn't helping, either. Anyway, thanks for putting this together! FreplySpang (talk) 18:51, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

P.S., it would be great if, in the edit summaries, section titles were distinguished from user-added text. FreplySpang (talk) 18:55, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
and... :) the Pause button (and perhaps the Connect button) needs an indicator to show when you are paused. Maybe change the text from "Pause" to "Unpause." FreplySpang (talk) 19:04, 10 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the comments. Actually, I realized the pause thing last night and have already implemented it. It'll be there in 1.3. I'll be sure to grey out the disconnect button if there is no connection (though multiple connections will be possible in the next version, to connect to multiple RC feeds from various languages). About the section title thing, that will likely be dealt with somewhere down the road... Once again, thanks! CryptoDerk 19:27, May 10, 2005 (UTC)

Browser issues...


OK, so I added an option to turn the autodetection of the browser, so you can select your own browser. I tried it on firefox on windows and things worked fine. My linux install on my laptop is acting up so I wasn't able to test it out there. Let me know if this works for you. I've still got a list of other stuff I need to do, but I feel the program is working halfway decent now. CryptoDerk 00:56, May 14, 2005 (UTC)

I got someone to test it on OS X. He said the autodetection worked, and when he used the alternate method, it worked, but he had to mess with it a bit: It's a bundle thing ... In OS X, most applications are bundles (special folders) that contain lots of crap inside ... for it to work, you have to give the full path to the executable in the bundle ... so while /Applications/ won't work, /Applications/ will. CryptoDerk 01:13, May 14, 2005 (UTC)
Seems to be working on Linux, but I don't know whether it's detecting my Opera installation or the script that imitates Netscape. --Carnildo 02:01, 14 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Feature suggestions


A useful feature would be the ability to highlight pages that have undergone large size changes, with the definition of "large" as a configuration option. This would aid in spotting section/page blanking and page doubling. --Carnildo 02:38, 14 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

It's been in my "to do" list since version 1.0. I almost added it in when I added the "highlighting" a couple of versions ago. Right now here's a list of other stuff that I'm working on:
  • General features:
  • Add in option to remove edits after they are clicked on, since you have reviewed them
  • Import watchlist (this will likely be done, at first, by downloading your watchlist to a file and then pointing the program to its location to process it, as this would otherwise require entering your username/password into the program to send to the server and a lot of behind the scenes negotiation [I think -- we'll see when I get around to it.])
  • For non-single click usage, allow the user to highlight a number of edits to open at once.
  • Movable columns
  • Throw in a list you can add regexps to such that edits are marked.. like you could add a regexp for .*fuck.* in edit summaries or .*communism.* or some such.
  • Option to strip out wikiformatting in edit summaries
  • Allow selectable colors for all highlighting stuff
  • Get IP range stuff working
  • Allow table dump to text file or to be saved and reloaded on next startup
  • Fix that weird scrollbar jumping stuff
  • Fix the whitelist display bug when importing admins
  • Relating to other projects:
  • Add in list that can be added to to process removal of edits when deleted for other languages (right now only works on en)
  • Throw in column on table showing which project is currently being looged at
  • Instead of manually having to join each channel, have a list of channels to join on clicking connect
Also, now I'm thinking maybe the scoring like spamassassin might be a bit overkill with highlighting and regexp stuff implemented. Add in some highlighting for users who make a bunch of rapid edits, large additions or removals, or lots of page moves, and that's it. CryptoDerk 03:00, May 14, 2005 (UTC)

When filtering "only ips", it'd be nice to allow (of course optional) showing ALSO edits by people on the blacklist (ip+blacklist mode) drini 00:48, 20 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Actually, that's probably just a slip up on my part. The blacklist should have priority anyway. I'll be sure to fix it. CryptoDerk 00:51, May 20, 2005 (UTC)

Could you add sorting to the different columns so the different edits can be sorted by user/time/size/etc. --Jpkoester1 21:12, Jun 2, 2005 (UTC)

+/- ?


What is meaning of the +/- column? Pavel Vozenilek 00:46, 17 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Characters added or deleted in an edit. CryptoDerk 00:48, May 17, 2005 (UTC)
Thanks for super speedy response (I saw it in your tool :). Pavel Vozenilek 00:50, 17 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
You caught me during one of my random watchlist checks. BTW, you shouldn't have seen it cause I should be on your whitelist! :) Any feedback is appreciated. CryptoDerk 01:21, May 17, 2005 (UTC)

Java Web Start


Here is a JNLP file that might work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" href="cdvf.jnlp">
    <title>CryptoDerk's Vandal Fighter 1.7</title>
    <homepage href=""/>
    <description>A tool for fighting vandals.</description>
    <j2se version="1.4+"/>
    <jar href="vf.jar"/>
  <application-desc main-class="vf"/>

Cheers, --MarkSweep 02:00, 18 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

A couple of notes


The next version released will be 2.0 and will require the execution of a separate program to convert the old save file to the new save file format (cause I did something stupid). Additionally, at that time, the source will be opened. This should happen before the end of the week. I'm tired of coding and want to get back to vandal fighting, so if other people want to submit new features/fixes they can. CryptoDerk 02:55, May 18, 2005 (UTC)

This is great


Clearly, I'm never going to use the regular "Recent changes" again. Thanks for such a powerful program (and quite small too). We really need to get this out to the general populace! Ambush Commander 23:50, May 20, 2005 (UTC)

Thanks for the praise. I'm not one to promote my stuff too much. I imagine if people like it, and as the program gets better (especially for other languages), people will start to talk about it more (I hope!). CryptoDerk 20:36, May 21, 2005 (UTC)

Using CDVF


Hello, I've just started using it, and it really seems to be great. Just two minor things:

  • Importing admin from it.wikipedia doesn't work
  • UTF-8 titles, used on, are mangled (e.g. it:Francisco Tárrega is shown with two wrong chars in place of the "á".

Thank you, M7it 19:42, 21 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the info. I admit that although I said it "should" (except for when you go to click on the entries in the watchlist/whitelist/blacklist) work on all projects, I only tested it with 4: en, de, ja, and commons. With the next version coming out I have already replaced some of the processing code for importing admins. I notice that with 1.7 it puts about 8 garbage entries into the list (though it does get all the admins after that), and testing it with the current "work in progress" version it does get the admins and only the admins -- so that problem (even though I didn't know it was a problem until now), is already taken care of. The UTF-8 thing I've known about for a while... right now I make no effort to do anything special with the characters -- I merely read them directly from IRC and pass them through to the relevant parts of the programs. When I open up the source in a bit, if someone with more experience in character sets wants to code up and test to verify that things work properly, they can. CryptoDerk 20:36, May 21, 2005 (UTC)
Thank you for your clear and quick answer. I'll certainly have a look to the Java source when published. Ciao, M7it 21:23, 21 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
Change line 1880 on:
 in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
And you'll get UTF-8 support. This works fine for russian wikipedia. --HedgeHog 23:03, 24 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
That simple, eh? I actually played around with CharSet and stuff immediately prior to releasing the source but nothing seemed to be working... didn't actually look in the IRC code to see if that would work. Thanks :)
I'm glad to help in improvement this tool. BTW, there are at least 3 russian wikipedia users that use CDVF, and I think there'll be no problem with testing i18n-related issues. Anyway, I'd be happy to participate in development CDVF so you can contact me (see contact information on my home page). --HedgeHog 09:10, 25 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Import admins


Unfortunately it is impossible to use this programm on ru.wikipedia since titles and summaries are unreadable, example "Википедия" in place of "Википедия" ("Wikipedia" in Russain)

But about "Import admins" section

  • if I click on admin name, I get browser window with user contributions in English Wikipedia (not in local Wikipedia)
  • I'm admin in ru.wikipedia and my username is ".:Ajvol:." and it imports like "."

Thanks, --ajvol 11:02, 22 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the feedback. Right, the character thing was mentioned above. As stated before, if someone who has more experience in that area wants to code it in, they can. Regarding the import admins thing -- I have verified that my work in progress does actually get the proper list of admins from ru. If there was a problem before, it's not a problem now. Additionally, it's stated on the front page in Known issues: "Whitelist/blacklist/watchlist only work on en for now." CryptoDerk 15:56, May 22, 2005 (UTC)

Text encoding


CDVF on ru: is not using proper decoding. I think #ru is running in UTF-8, but the screen has all sorts of weird characters instead of proper cyrilic. Otherwise - great idea! I'm running it on WinXP SP2. --Yurik 18:01, 22 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

This has been pointed out twice above. CryptoDerk 18:03, May 22, 2005 (UTC)



Hi Crypto. This looks like a nice program indeed! Vandals beware! :) Now, this was probably discussed countless times before somewhere else, but would also be nice to have is a public whitelist which can be shared by everybody but added to only by trusted people. And also maybe a central place recording if a given edit by an untrusted source was checked by anybody so far or not (to avoid duplication and making sure each and every untrusted single edit is vetted). Now, I am very sure this was probably discussed somewhere, and a java program probably can't do that, some modifications to the Wiki software might be in order. But I thought I'd say it.

And by the way, the spam assasin-like thing you mentioned sounds very exciting. Oleg Alexandrov 22:50, 22 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Yes, yes, the collaboration thing is something I wanted to do even before I wrote the first line. This was about the time that they moved the IRC bots to their own server. Since the IRC server they run on 1) doesn't allow talking in channels and 2) doesn't authenticate users, the only real alternative is to do something like go back to freenode and use a channel there for it (I don't think I've seen you on the wiki IRC channel, but many wikipedians already have IRC cloaks). Anyway, it would be incredibly trivial to do something like this and as I finish up 2.0 I'm throwing in many of the features that I was just going to leave out for now. And, although I've said nothing publicly about the collaboration thing (aside from whining in #wikimedia when they said the new RC channels would be silent), it's been brought up by 3 people, so I might throw it in. Regarding the spamassassin thing, with the configurability, highlighting, and regexp stuff in the next version, that will almost certainly not be included. There would really be no benefit to it. If more information is provided about the nature of the edits in the future, it might be advantageous to code it up. CryptoDerk 23:07, May 22, 2005 (UTC)
Now that I think about it a bit more... I'm so close to having 2.0 done. I really need to do just two more things. So, maybe 2.1 for the collab. CryptoDerk 23:16, May 22, 2005 (UTC)
Collab! Yes, yes, yes! Oleg Alexandrov 02:20, 23 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

OK, 2.0 is out. There's a converter file if you want to move your save from 1.7 to 2.0. Too much changed internally with how things were done and there was no easy way to carry over the save file like in previous versions. If you want you can just delete your save file and start fresh.

Anyway... the source is open now, so have fun wading through a couple thousand lines of uncommented code! Actually, I did put some comments in, but most of it explains itself. Feel free to submit improvements or whatever. If you need something about the code explained, let me know. I'll explain it as well as throw in a comment on the next version. CryptoDerk 17:32, May 23, 2005 (UTC)

Type 1 error


I've gotten a couple of reports of "type 1 errors" occurring. This is just a connection problem. I've been watching the IRC channel for a while and it seems like there may even be some problem with the IRC server itself (the last 5 quits were ping timeouts at 183 seconds, three of which came from my program, two of which came from real IRC clients). If you do get disconnected with a type 1 error, just reconnect and go on with it. The IRC connection, negotiation, and keep-alive code hasn't changed significantly since 1.0, and I've run the program for hours at a time without any problems. CryptoDerk 02:23, May 24, 2005 (UTC)

2.1 beta


At the request of User:Kelly Martin, I implemented reverse table insertion (if selected, entries come in the top of the table) and threw it up for download. For something so minor it's not really that important to release a whole new version (especially just a day after 2.0 was released), but from now on as I implement stuff, I'll put it in the work in progress folder so people can use it. CryptoDerk 21:42, May 24, 2005 (UTC)

I put up a new one just now that has the UTF-8 proposed fix from HedgeHog. He says it works on ru, but can some other people test it on various languages. I don't seem to have proper fonts installed or the requisite knowledge of foreign languages :) CryptoDerk 23:48, May 24, 2005 (UTC)



I've got a browser open in which I'm logged into the pedia, but when I click on an article in the program it opens a new screen in which I'm not logged in. Why doesn't it recognize me and can we have an option to open stuff in the same browser window? 13:23, 25 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

  • Obviously, part of that bug is my own doing, but I'd still like the other option included. Mgm|(talk) 13:25, May 25, 2005 (UTC)
    • Hrm. Well, that's a new one. Wikipedia should set a cookie so when a new page is launched in your browser it keeps your session. Is this log out thing normal behavior? I mean, if you log in, close your browser, reopen your browser, and go back to Wikipedia, do you have to log in again? CryptoDerk 14:40, May 25, 2005 (UTC)
    • That was because I was working on a different machine. After selecting it the cookie worked fine. Still, all articles are opened in new (logged in) browser screens when I open them. In a few edits, I'm overwhelmed with screens. Could we have an option that opens all clicked edits in the same screen if it's selected? Mgm|(talk) 11:01, May 26, 2005 (UTC)
      • That's not really something that my program can control (or if it can, I'm not sure how -- at least on a wide scale across a variety of browsers). That's one reason I give the user complete control over their browser selection and options. Even if you're using the default browser selection, if you are using tabbed browsing, there should be an option in your browser settings to open links from an external program in a new window. There is in Firefox, anyway, and it works fine. Push comes to shove, you can override the default browser selection and provide your own command line link to your browser with command line options. CryptoDerk 13:31, May 26, 2005 (UTC)

Proxy support


I'd really like to learn how the proxy stuff in Java works, but I don't have time at the moment. Can we get proxy support in the CDVF? Thanks, Alphax τεχ 14:48, 26 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Any reason why? When you connect to the wikimedia IRC server, it hides your IP. As such, the only information given about you is this: cd20XXXXX is [email protected] * cdvf CryptoDerk 14:54, May 26, 2005 (UTC)
So that if we connect to the net via a proxy server (no direct connection) it will work. I have access to about no sites without going through a proxy. Alphax τεχ 16:33, 26 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
That's really a setting you'll need to set in your browser. If you set your browser to work through a proxy and the CDVF opens your browser, it should use that proxy. CryptoDerk 16:42, May 26, 2005 (UTC)
Yes, but I can't access IRC without a proxy. Hence CDVF needs proxy support. Alphax τεχ 17:05, 26 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
Ah, ok.. gotcha. CryptoDerk 17:07, May 26, 2005 (UTC)
For proxy support you can try run CDVF with following parameters:
 java -DsocksProxySet="true" -DsocksProxyHost="your_proxy_server" -DsocksProxyPort="1080" -jar vf.jar
I've not tested this method by myself, but it may work. There's other method of setting up proxy support -- in Socket constructor, but it requires rewriting code and I know solution only for java 1.5. --HedgeHog 22:29, 29 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, works a treat :) Alphax τεχ 08:27, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)



Could you get the program to remember the layout of the columns I made? I always need to resize to get the blacklist box on the right into view. Mgm|(talk) 21:17, May 27, 2005 (UTC)

It should already do that. It should save both the position and size of the columns. CryptoDerk 21:19, May 27, 2005 (UTC)

Would it be possible to remove columns entirely? I'm a non-admin user who only edits on en, so the "project" and "block" columns are of no use to me. I've disabled them in the code of my copy, but I'd prefer a better solution. --Carnildo 22:04, 27 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Yeah. There's some work to be done there. In addition to being able to remove them, being able to sort needs to be added. CryptoDerk 22:14, May 27, 2005 (UTC)

Article names with slash


In UTF-8 wikipedias, article names containing the slash ('/') character can break the parser. One strange effect is double encoding of names of these articles. MvR 22:52, 27 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

OK. I'm not sure what you mean when you say break or double encoding. Can you give me more info? Perhaps talk to User:HedgeHog since he came up with the UTF-8 fix. CryptoDerk 22:58, May 27, 2005 (UTC)
I realized that it was not really a CDVF issue but a bug feature of IRC bot which truncates long lines. The problem was not in the slash char but in very long article names. MvR 07:16, 28 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
OK. Thanks for the update. CryptoDerk 07:18, May 28, 2005 (UTC)

Load issues


Nice job, but something to keep in mind (that goes for all things that use the rcdumper interface) is that making it too popular could result in load issues: The rcdumper hits the database once per second per connection. There were plans of fixing this, but I don't think anybody's worked on it yet. --W(t) 23:41, 2005 May 27 (UTC)

RC dumper? This works on the IRC feeds. There's absolutely no hitting the database at all. The only cost with respect to Wikipedia is bandwidth from, on the order of 5 MB per day, if you run the program all day long. The only time this program ever queries the database is if the user imports the list of administrators. You think too little of me :-P CryptoDerk 01:37, May 28, 2005 (UTC)
Ah, clever. I'll leave off my diatribe about the bandwidth required for all those part and join messages for the time being… --W(t) 01:41, 2005 May 28 (UTC)

My first impressions


I have only been using CDVF for a couple of hours now and I am already hooked. What is cool is that the program displays the number of characters that are added or deleted in an edit. Vandals have no place to hide when they remove large amounts of content from articles.

Good luck in working out the bugs and improving it some more. Zzyzx11 (Talk) 07:51, 28 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the comments. You can expect fairly rapid releases. Figured I'd let people use it so 1) they can (hopefully) be more effective at fighting vandals sooner, 2) tell me what's broke, and 3) suggest improvements. Don't praise me for the +/- — that's something that's been in the IRC feeds for months, it just doesn't show up on Wikipedia itself. CryptoDerk 08:02, May 28, 2005 (UTC)
Sorry, I guess I wasn't quite clear on my feelings on the +/- : The CDVF program flags down edits with a large number of characters that are added or deleted, thus exposing vandals who remove large amounts of content from articles. Zzyzx11 (Talk) 14:36, 28 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
Right, I'm fully aware of what the +/- is and its implications... CryptoDerk 16:41, May 28, 2005 (UTC)

Deletions - Feature request


Would it be possible to add an option to only show edits which have deletions? Mgm|(talk) 10:24, May 28, 2005 (UTC)

Why? This seems rather useless. In terms of +/-, vandalism is just as likely in either case (e.g. in many cases vandalism is just someone adding a line of text, and some deletions may be deletions of a character in a misspelled word). The only exceptions are in cases of mass additions and mass deletions. Although I have designed the program in such a way as to give many choices to the user, I try to make it so people can't enter into bad habits. For example, there's no option to turn off viewing IP edits (though if you really want to, you can with regexps), and there's no way you hide new pages, etc. CryptoDerk 10:47, May 28, 2005 (UTC)

Duplication bug of user list


Whenever I click the blacklist button on the RC list for a user who I've already blacklisted manually they'll appear twice in the user list. Can you fix that? Mgm|(talk) 19:34, May 28, 2005 (UTC)

Good catch. When I converted the lists to being able to work on all projects, I missed converting that comparison. CryptoDerk 19:42, May 28, 2005 (UTC)



This program truly allows vandalism fighting at breakneck speeds! Fredrik | talk 21:48, 28 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

:) CryptoDerk 21:59, May 28, 2005 (UTC)

Screen resolution


I've got a 800x600 pixels screen and I can't see what's on the far right of the screen. I've minimized as much columns as I could and maximized my window, but I still can't see the scroll bar and a number of columns on the far right of the window. Also, when I make a column on the left smaller, it makes everything on the right of that column larger again. Resizings won't stick. Mgm|(talk) 22:49, May 28, 2005 (UTC)

Yeah, the program is not very small-screen friendly right now. It'll be fixed in the next version. Regarding making a column smaller, that's what happens. You make one smaller, the rest get bigger. I'll look into making it such that only the adjacent one gets bigger, though. CryptoDerk 23:12, May 28, 2005 (UTC)
  • Muchos gracias! Please let me know when I can get that new version. Mgm|(talk) 23:53, May 28, 2005 (UTC)
There's an option you can set (should be set by default) that notifies you when a new version is released. If you want, you can also check out the work in progress directory for stuff that's been coded up and tested a little bit, but not fully. CryptoDerk 00:00, May 29, 2005 (UTC)

Daily Summary


I would like to import a large list of problem users, turn on the vandal fighter, and then return a day later to find a convenient list of leads to look into. Great job on this software btw. lots of issues | leave me a message 23:02, 28 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Hm, I'm not sure what you mean. I mean, you can kind of already do that. Just add said users to your blacklist and turn on "Show only edits on watchlist & article/regexp blacklists". You'll also need to turn off the user page highlighting, I think. Incidentally, I just realized that should say "user/regexp blacklists". Anyway, that'll give you the desired functionality. Support for multiple profiles will exist later, but for now you can just put the program in two places and set one up for your problem users and the other up for regular RC viewing. CryptoDerk 23:16, May 28, 2005 (UTC)
  • Would it be somehow possible to import the latest info from VIP to optimize the hunt? Mgm|(talk) 23:52, May 28, 2005 (UTC)
Well, to that extent, in 2.1 I added a feature that lets you auto-blacklist users who have been reverted by users in the whitelist. Right now the support is only for properly formatted revert messages (the rollback messages), so if you import the admins, any time they revert, it'll blacklist the user and you'll see future edits marked. In the 2.2 version I've added two more similar features: auto-watchlisting of deleted pages and auto-blacklisting of creators of speedied pages. Eventually you'll be able to set these as temporary so that when you exit they are removed, that way your lists don't fill up. Anyway, you can use these two additional features right now -- just check the works in progress directory. CryptoDerk 00:49, May 29, 2005 (UTC)

Check for new version at startup


This feature may not work correctly. I have the program installed on another machine and I only got the update with color selection when I installed it on another machine. I'll check the other machine again, but a check might be in order. Mgm|(talk) 11:12, May 29, 2005 (UTC)

I'm quite positive the feature works and works fine. If you were using an old version and were not notified it could just be that my website, which it queries, was temporarily down or you could not reach it. CryptoDerk 13:02, May 29, 2005 (UTC)
Okay, thanks for the quick answer. Mgm|(talk) 20:04, May 29, 2005 (UTC)

Importing Watchlists on VandalFighter



There should be a possibility to select the project when importing a watchlist. For example, when adding the watchlist of en.wikipedia, one should be able to choose "#en.wikipedia". Now one has to add "#en.wikipedia" to every entry shown in the watchlist (I hope you understand what I mean, but I just don't have the time to explain it better... If you have any question, ask here). Thanks, rdb 14:00, 30 May 2005 (UTC)/de:Benutzer:RdbReply

Actually, I thought it had been fixed in the 2.1 version. Let me give you some background... When I first put the feature in, I assumed that if you saved the page in one browser, it saved the same as in other browsers. Sure there are going to be minor differences, but I figured the content of the page would be the same. Well, the first time I coded it up I noticed it didn't work at all. I was coding to match what I saw when I viewed the source in Firefox. However, when you view the source in firefox and when you save the file locally, there are some changes between uses of single quotes ' and double quotes ". Fair enough. I then changed it to match the saved file and it worked. Released it and didn't get a complaint. Then someone came to me saying it didn't work for them. I figured it might be a browser issue, and I found out they used Opera. I had them send me their watchlist and boy was it different. Some of the fields in the tag were swapped around, and all the URLs were relative instead of absolute. So I changed the code to accomodate both versions. Now you're telling me that it's not working, so I'm going to change it again. In the next version I will pop open a dialog to ask the project. It's something I needed to do anyway, because otherwise the imported watchlist will not work on all projects. CryptoDerk 15:49, May 30, 2005 (UTC)

Vandal fighter tricked?


I've just noticed an edit by User:Jpkoester1 to current events in the Vandalfighter, yet their contributions list, nor the Current events history knows (latest there is 3 edits by Irishpunktom). The link to the diff in the fighter is dead. What now? (Yes, I did refresh my cache). Mgm|(talk) 16:34, May 31, 2005 (UTC)

I've also uploaded a couple of images to illustrate:
Database lag is fairly common, especially recently. Last night there was a 14 minute lag at times between what was coming through IRC and what was showing up in the history of pages. Nothing to be worried about. CryptoDerk 16:39, May 31, 2005 (UTC)
  • Weee, my name is on here... Can someone enlighten me as to why it is marked in blue in the vandal fighter? Just stumbled across this page and it certainly looks like a useful utility. --Jpkoester1 01:09, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)
It just means the page is on his watchlist (presuming he hasn't changed the default colors). CryptoDerk 01:13, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

Holy crap!


This is so cool! I just might become an RC junkie again. Thank you so much and keep those new versions coming! :) BTW, is there a way to import other user's whitelists? I'd really like to do that for users I trust and who make their whitelists public. To make this work, personal whitelists would need to be kept separate from imported whitelists. --mav 17:00, 31 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. Right now there's no way to do that. I'll likely focus on collaboration issues in the release after 2.2, so sharing whitelists or working from community lists may be possible then. Also, in the next version you're going to see the addition of a third type of whitelist anyway -- a temporary user whitelist, which would probably be ideal for working from a community whitelist. CryptoDerk 17:07, May 31, 2005 (UTC)

My current biggest concern -- spotting newly registered users


The only biggest concern I have with the current version of CDVF right now is spotting newly registered users quickly. It is pretty easy to spot them on Special:Recent changes because you can tell by the red links whether or not they have created a user page and/or a user talk page. But on the current CDVF version, these newly registered users cannot be highlighted -- and based on the IRC output, I'm not sure if you can ever do that.

I feel this is a big concern because a vandal could easily register a new account and inflict serious damage to many articles before anybody using the CDVF notices what is going on. Zzyzx11 (Talk) 21:30, 31 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Yes, it's a concern. Without querying the Wikipedia servers, there's no way to find out of a user has no user page. Though I think that this is not as big of a deal as it may seem. First off, any vandal can just create a userpage before they start vandalizing articles. What gives vandals away isn't a red user page, but their actions. Vandals frequently strike by 1) creating nonsense pages, 2) making mass insertions or deletions, 3) editing other users user pages, 4) vandalizing high profile articles. All things you can easily keep an eye on with CDVF. It's the actions that give the vandals away, not the presence of a user page. That said, yes, I do realize that the lack of a user page is sometimes an indicator, and if I had that information readily available I'd display it. Maybe if CDVF takes off I can ask Tim about modifying the format of the IRC lines. CryptoDerk 21:47, May 31, 2005 (UTC)
I guess it is a big adjustment for me going from looking at Special:Recent changes to CVDF. But as I think about, you're right that it is the actions of the user that give a vandal away. My concern is more of the reaction time to them. Thanks anyway. Zzyzx11 (Talk) 01:33, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)

2.2 out


OK. 2.2 is out. A lot of stuff was added (see changelog). About 30kb of code was added for this version. Major changes include the implementation of temporary lists, which can be tied into the new auto-blacklisting/watchlisting features. Plus now if you want to whitelist an IP that is doing something now, you can throw them on temp and not get burned by that IP doing something bad in a few days/weeks. A lot more config stuff has been added, so take your time in going through the config screen. Some bugs were fixed. Just a note, the first time or two you run it, your columns may have weird widths or be out of order. This shouldn't happen in future versions, but I was too lazy to fix it now, and you were going to have to resize all your stuff with the addition of new columsn anyway. CryptoDerk 00:29, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

  • Thanks alot. Now I can watch mass additions and deletions as I wanted but the temp lists are even better. Keep up the good work. Mgm|(talk) 01:25, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

Column bug


There's some bug that prevents saving column sizes and locations properly. I thought I had fixed this, but I guess I left it out of 2.2. Expect a 2.3 upgrade fairly soon. Until then, just get your columns set up right and don't close the program ;) CryptoDerk 01:45, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

I figured out this bug, but the fix is a pain. CryptoDerk 15:40, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

Filtering bug


There's a filtering bug where if you have the "watched" pages take precedence option turned off, in some cases all edits will show. For now, just turn the option on, and, if necessary, uncheck the 4 check boxes below. CryptoDerk 15:40, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

  • (v2.2, IE6, XP)
  • (Clueless?) Importing Watchlist–IE6, File → Save as → OK / CDVF, Article Watchlist → Import → select file → OK. No effect, Am I missing something?
  • (Bug?) My RC list gets filtered only when the button for (wlist, IP only, regex) is actually clicked. All further addtions are not filtered, unless I misunderstand the function. I am lead to believe it will only dispolay lines that pass through the filter (i.e. [x]IPedits &ndash No logged in users would be displayed).
  • (Feature) Any chance of someday being able to alter the bg colors also?
  • (Praise) By the way, adding new lines at the top, GREAT idea (fixed the nasty Jumpin' Jack Flash issue [Couldn't resist!]).
Guy ML.V. (soapbox) 19:53, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)
    • Regarding the importing of the watchlist... I dunno what to tell you other than if you send me your watchlist file I'll take a look at it. An opera user previously did this and I was able to address a bug there. When I just tried in IE to save the page it wouldn't even let me. Are you sure you're going here to download your watchlist? Did any dialog box pop up asking you for the project name?
    • Rule of thumb, for now you should turn the "watched" pages take precedence on, and if you want, turn the items below that off. Basically if you have the "watched" turned on AND all the items below that turned on, it'll mean you'll pick up vandals better. You can, for example, view primarily IP contribs, but also see when a user with an account makes a large addition or removal, or moves a page.
    • You can select the highlight colors. It's in the configuration tab. If you're suggesting I implement a color selection for non-highlighted pages, sure I'll throw one in. CryptoDerk 23:12, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)



Would it be possible to filter images from the list. They're hardly ever vandalized and I don't want to deal with images otherwise. It would make it a lot easier to spot other problems. Mgm|(talk) 22:45, Jun 2, 2005 (UTC)

That's what the regexp whitelist is for. Put ^Image:.* in there. CryptoDerk 15:33, Jun 3, 2005 (UTC)
  • I can't believe I didn't get that. Thanks!

save to file


Would be nice to have the ability to save every accessed article to file. probably also to save a complete list to file. this would give a change history which could be accessed by normal shell tools. if you save to filenames like CDVF.CCYYMMDD (Century,Year,Month,Day) the files wont grow to unhandy sizes. -- 13:39, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)

The CDVF program doesn't access any articles. If you want to implement this on your browser, go for it. CryptoDerk 20:13, Jun 4, 2005 (UTC)

Importing admins


I've tried several times to import the admin list, and it never seems to get very much of it. It seems to get at most (for me) the first 77 names, and then never gets anymore. Would it be possible to add a raw "import whitelist" feature, like "import watchlist"? Thanks, Alphax τεχ 07:09, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Hm, it could be because the connection is timing out. When the DB is slow, you may have to import several times to get it. I'll work on the timeout issue, though from a perspective of how long it waits before it gives up. CryptoDerk 20:12, Jun 4, 2005 (UTC)
I'd still like an "import whitelist" feature, for when the database is slow, the connection times out, or whatever, but you can access the list with your browser. In that situation you could download the list of admins, and import it from a file (as you presently do with the watchlist). Alphax τεχ 11:05, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)



How is work on CDVF going, CryptoDerk? Can you give a rough estimate about when the next update comes out? - Mgm|(talk) 19:13, Jun 4, 2005 (UTC)

I've been busy with other stuff. It may be a week or more. CryptoDerk 20:12, Jun 4, 2005 (UTC)



Any chance of some sounds? Just a simple beep for certain classes of user (eg blacklisted, non-whitelisted, IPs etc) would be useful. I know that this would perhaps be too noisy for en.wikipedia but it would be a great boon for quieter wikis (eg just have computer sitting in room while watching TV - beep - uh oh! Better check it out!). Dan100 09:57, Jun 5, 2005 (UTC)

integrating code from would be easy. -- 12:57, 9 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Doing this is unbelievably trivial without integrating code from other projects. CryptoDerk 14:44, Jun 9, 2005 (UTC)
Any chance of slipping this in to an interim version if it is very easy, Derk? BTW the daily (or more!) Wikinews vandal ('Ass puss') always makes a new account, so an option for a beep for an edit from a registered user who is on neither white nor blacklists would be tres handy. Dan100 13:30, Jun 10, 2005 (UTC)



Thanks for the excellent program. I think vandalism fighting is an important thing for wikipedia and sometimes it seems to be thought of as unimportant compared to article writing. I'm not much of a writer, so I have to find other ways of contributing.

Anyway, my suggestion is the inclusion of a color legend somewhere on the Live RC tab. There are a lot of colors and I keep finding myself looking in the config tab to remember which is which.

Thanks! kmccoy (talk) 20:10, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)

  • Isn't that what the checkboxes in the RC list are for? Mgm|(talk) 11:26, Jun 8, 2005 (UTC)
I'm not sure how you mean. My thing is that IP edits and new pages and such get colored differently to make them stand out. I just can't remember which color is which, and it would be nice for me to have a small section of the Live RC tab used as a legend to show which color means what. kmccoy (talk) 20:11, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I doubt this will be useful. You can pick the colors yourself, and I think memorizing them fairly quickly shouldn't be much of a problem. Even if you don't check, it's easy to take a quick glance at a line and see why it's highlighted (except in the case when it's in one of your regexp lists). The purpose of the highlighting is to assist people in doing high speed RC patrol, and the presence of a legend would just slow people down. If you want a legend, a simple way to get it is to open up two copies of the program and put one on the config screen where the colors are selected. CryptoDerk 14:56, Jun 9, 2005 (UTC)



I'd like for Vandal Fighter to not lose focus when I click on a link. It's very annoying when I'm trying to check a lot of links at once. User:Luigi30 (Ταλκ) 01:56, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)

  • If implemented, it should be optional. There are people who check each link in turn and not in batches. Mgm|(talk) 11:28, Jun 8, 2005 (UTC)
I'm not even sure if this is something that can be controlled from my program, but I'll look into it. Of course, if I did look into this, it would clearly be an option, not a mandatory thing. I click on 10+ links at a time, no problem — I just have the application in a different location than my browser such that the web browser isn't on top of it. CryptoDerk 00:53, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)
There's a bit of buggy behavior, too: when Firefox is brought to the foreground, the focus actually stays on the Vandal Fighter if you continued clicking links: but firefox just stays there. You actually have to focus on Firefox, and then focus back on the CDVF. It's not that bad of a bug, but it's a bug. Ambush Commander 02:15, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)

Look & Feel


Your application rocks, thank you. I have one suggestion though:

On Linux the default (ugly) java-skin is used. Applications like Azureus, have e.g. a GTK look & feel. Can you, if you want and have the time, change the default skin to a skin that fits better in KDE and Gnome. This one by example: . I don't know anything about how to implement such a "LAF", but more information can be found here . Maybe there a better methods, I don't know. Cheers, Jeroenvrp 10:30, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Default look and feel is coded into the application. I've run it on Linux and Windows, and a friend ran it on his Mac, and every time the application had the proper look and feel. Perhaps something is messed up in your config. This is the first and only complaint I've gotten about look and feel, so I presume it's working fine for everyone else. Push comes to shove, you can provide a look and feel at run time. CryptoDerk 00:57, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)
First; it's not a complaint :-). The look & feel on Linux & Windows are not the same, on Windows it looks more like a normal Windows-application, on Linux it looks like an old-fashioned, bluegray, to my opninion plain ugly, old-windowmanager-style of application, that doesn't fit well on any Gnome or KDE desktop. Maybe it's my config you are saying, I will first take a look to my Java-config, allthough I've never been able to find any option to change the L&F, but I will try again.
Jeroenvrp 10:21, 17 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Out of interest, what set of components does this app use for the gui? JFC, SWT? CiaronNixon 21:55, 23 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Anonymous New Pages


Right now in the current version 2.2 an new page created by a anonymous user is not spotted very easily. I have a colour for new pages (green) and for anonymous edits (red), the colour of new pages overrules the colour of anonymous edits.

There are two ways to solve this, I think:

  1. Make sure the colour of anonymous edits overrule all other colours.
  2. Keep the colours like this, but show anonymous edits bold. This one is even better I think, because you can easily see if a page has been created by an anonymous user, that an anonymous user only edited an existing page or that an anonymous user edited an page on your watchlist.

Jeroenvrp 19:39, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)

  • I don't like option 1. It would also override the easy color recognition of major deletions or additions... - 08:37, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I will probably either 1) add in an option to pick a specific color for new anon pages or 2) mess with color merging (though if this proves to be a lot of bother from the end user perspective, choosing appropriate colors to get good merge colors, I'll nix this idea). CryptoDerk 01:01, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)

Blist addition bug


Hi again. I noticed that I had some odd names added to my blacklist (not my temp one, but the real one) that I hadn't remembered clicking on. After it happened a few times, I think I figured it out. When I want to add someone to my blacklist, I hit Alt-A to pause the scroll. I then click on the Blist button for that edit. I then hit Alt-A to unpause the scroll. Now, while the user I wanted was properly added to the blacklist, a "selection-ghost" appears where I clicked the button originally, and it doesn't scroll. It appears as a selected check-box surrounded by grey, in the Blist column in the original location of the user. Then, if I click somewhere else, say, on another edit, it's as though that "selection-ghost" has been accepted, adding whatever user happens to be in that row to my blacklist.

After doing some more experiementing, it seems to only do it when I use Alt-A to unpause -- when I click the button, it moves the focus back down to the button and away from the Blist checkbox. It also only seems to do it when I use the "add rows to top" method.

Thanks again for the software. :) kmccoy (talk) 21:02, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Yeah, there are some GUI issues with clicking on the list. Like, if you repeatedly click the whitelist checkbox on the bottom row, the app will slow down horribly. That said, I realize that this is something that nobody will have any reason to do, hence it's no big deal right now. I'll take a look at this specific issue, though. CryptoDerk 01:04, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)

Multiple channels in config


Hi, I'd like if could configure cdvf to connect to multiple channels without typing each channel every time I connect. --TruBlu 08:29, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)

This is something I've said I'd be putting in since 1.0. Right now it's not high on my list of priorities, but it'll get put in in one of the next few versions probably... when I get off my ass and start coding again. CryptoDerk 01:05, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)
thanks! --TruBlu 07:05, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)

XML data storage


I had a look at the data storage file - it looks like some kind of serialized Java object. Would it be possible to have it stored in XML, to make importing/exporting/sharing of watchlists/whitelists/blacklists easier? Alphax τεχ 05:54, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Installation problems/questions


Output of following command:

$ java -jar vf.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.lang.Object.getClass() (/usr/lib/
   at vf.vf() (Unknown Source)
   at (/usr/lib/
   at (/usr/lib/

My Java version is:

$ java --version
java version "1.4.2"
gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.0.0 (4.0.0-3mdk for Mandriva Linux release 2006.0)

Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

JAVA environment variable(s) is(are):

$ set |grep JAVA

What else is missing? Many thanks.

Odd problem


I think I have a problem but it may be that I dont know how to use the program. Whenever I click on a page name it shows me that black ms-dos window for just a split second then goes away and then nothing happens. Am I supposed to use this program in conjunction with a browser or what? My computer set-up is: Windows98se Lastest v. of Firefox, and JRE 1.5 update 3. Jaberwocky6669 June 29, 2005 16:56 (UTC)

DOH, goofy me. I figured it out. I do have another Q though. It doesnt automatically detect a browser for me so I chose firefox for it. Shouldnt it save that location? Jaberwocky6669 June 29, 2005 18:18 (UTC)

IP regexp


I need a regxp that helps me to highlight all edits from IP adresses. Who can give me a clue? — mark 29 June 2005 21:08 (UTC)

This is completely untested, and probably not the most concise possible, but try
--Carnildo 29 June 2005 21:26 (UTC)
I gues that's more reliable than the simple ^4.241.* I have found to work. Thanks, I'll give it a try! — mark 29 June 2005 21:40 (UTC)

different configuration per channel


When I view different channels, I would like to use different configs on these channels. e.g. when I use wikipedia and wikiquote, on wikipedia I only want to see my watchlist and mass-changes, while on wikiquote I want to see everything (because there aren't much changes). --TruBlu 2 July 2005 11:57 (UTC)

Just run two copies of it for now. CryptoDerk July 4, 2005 21:46 (UTC)

whitelist import bug


Don't know whether this is a bug or not or someone has screwed with whatever the source is for the whitelist but whenever I try to import admins to whitelist I only get several usernames which are completely useless and not even admins. What I get is as follows:

!#en.wikipedia ! ! !#en.wikipedia ! SERGEJ.MAKSIMOV from Latvia#en.wikipedia !!Archie!!#en.wikipedia !!!!#en.wikipedia !BlackFlag!#en.wikipedia "!!#en.wikipedia "ramu" Ramakrishna Reddy#en.wikipedia $$Mad Linx$$#en.wikipedia $BLING$BLING$#en.wikipedia $eti#en.wikipedia $teVen#en.wikipedia %#en.wikipedia &Delta#en.wikipedia &Omega#en.wikipedia

Jtkiefer July 4, 2005 21:25 (UTC)

This isn't a bug, per se. In the upgrade to Mediawiki 1.5 they changed the location of the list of sysops. Now if you go to the old one you get redirected to the current list of users, not sysops, hence the program no longer importing the correct list. In the next version I'll likely put in a text field in the config pane, that way in the future if it gets changed, you can change the location. CryptoDerk July 4, 2005 21:45 (UTC)

is there a way to get around this until the next version of CDVF comes out? Jtkiefer July 5, 2005 02:52 (UTC)
Replacing the string in the line that contains the word "Listadmins" (there's only one line like this, around 2440 or so), with
"http://" + l + ".org/w/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&group=sysop&limit=10000&offset=0"
should work, but I haven't tested it. I notice the formatting of the page is different, so it's possible that it may not work and I may have to change the parsing. CryptoDerk July 5, 2005 03:10 (UTC)

OK, back to coding


I figure I've vegged out enough. I'm moving in a month, so it'll probably just be one more release for a while. Are people even using it anymore? Anyway, here's some stuff I plan on tackling, probably within the next week:

  • A saved list of channels that can be connected to, instead of manually having to do each one
  • Text field in config screen for location of sysops
  • Color option for new pages by anons
  • Fix bug with logic related to highlighted pages/show always, etc.

I would like to fix how things are saved so sharing lists, using multiple configurations, etc. is possible, but before I mess with that I need to rectify a bug related to column order saving and restoring. I fought with it for days back in May, asked for help from some people and wasn't able to get any, then just stopped coding for a while. If anyone else thinks they can help out, I'll write up full details.

CryptoDerk July 4, 2005 22:17 (UTC)

Yeah we still use it, it helps a lot with RC patrol. Jtkiefer July 5, 2005 23:42 (UTC)

Also see: m:Talk:Revision_review_group CryptoDerk 11:03, July 10, 2005 (UTC)

I still use it! If you enter the rc IRC channel you can see how many are being used at anyone time... btw, I still desperately want sound, if that's possible, Derk! Dan100 (Talk) 12:03, July 18, 2005 (UTC)
I haven't gone on RC patrol for a while, but I wouldn't think of using anything else. That being said, I noticed that you were going to work on "Color option for new pages by anons". I was just thinking, would it be possible to, in the long run, let the user set the color precedence by themselves? In fact, custom highlighting would be good, you set up a bunch of options to trigger the highlighting and then you get to set up an anonymous new page highlighter without hardcoding it in. (IF ANON & NEWPAGE; HIGHLIGHT BLUE) Just some thoughts. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 15:02, July 18, 2005 (UTC)

Multiuser Enviroment


Heyho Derk,
is it planned to make it possible to share information in look of whitelist/blacklist etc. with useres in the "worktogetherlist"? So maybe there are less articles to view, when I can invide people to work with my config. When a change is clicked away from me, it should also not stay on the page of the teamworker.

It's maybe also interessting to make this like a web, but details (work with friends of the friend etc.) should be marked each for every friend. Greets, Conny 14:10, 26 July 2005 (UTC).Reply

Logging to file (suggestion)


Excellent program! Enables immediate response. Would be nice to have the capability to log the rendered irc data to a file (fields seperated by TAB char). Alternatively I'm now logging IRC for import to a db, but parsing (decoding) the IRC strings in a db query is possible but not trivial and you have already done it. Rgds Ronald

Whitelist suggestion


I really wish I could whitelist a user, but still have their edits show up on the Live RC tab. This way I could more easily identify what is being done by other RC Patrollers. Is this possible? --malathion talk 03:20, 30 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Also, is it possible that the clients could communicate with each other, so that I would auto-blacklist a user who is blacklisted by someone on my whitelist? --malathion talk 17:56, 31 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

At present, edits reverted by someone on the whitelist (in the automatic "Reverted edits by %1 to last version by %2" format) are removed, and the user added to the temp blacklist. I think.. Alphax τεχ 05:26, 1 August 2005 (UTC)Reply



No suggestions, no requests, no bug fixes. Just wanted to say thank you for an excellent and well thought-out piece of software. Thank you! Agentsoo 18:45, 2 August 2005 (UTC)Reply



What's with the temporary black list/white list? How does that arrive? Redwolf24 00:23, 6 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

In most cases that is generated with users who have been reverted and pages which have been deleted (to check for reincarnations, returning vandals, etc.) The difference between temp and permanent is that temp is deleted when you exit the program. Really handy feature. — Ilγαηερ (Tαlκ) 02:53, 19 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Your script inspired me...


To write my own RC patroller (User:Mr. Know-It-All/MVC). It's written in PERL, not Java, because I don't know Java. One tweak I did is to flag if there is no comment. I guess I could look to see if there is profanity or gibberish as a comment as well. I also allow for Talk: and User talk: pages to be ignored, although I guess your blacklist allows it as well.

"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants." -- Wikiquote:Isaac Newton

Mr. Know-It-All 07:30, 8 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Mark as patrolled


I just installed your vandalfighter a few days ago, its great! But maybe a suggestion, if this is possible. On NL wikipedia we use the "mark as patrolled" feature. In the recent changes red explanation marks appear for each change, which can be removed by clicking "mark as patrolled" when you look at the change. (Only logged-in users can see these explanation signs). Can you make this option possible as well in the vandal fighter? It would be very helpfull because you can check all changes in the past, and than only check the unmarked changes. Ellywa 09:25, 9 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

A couple things and request


Just found out about this program, and am loving it. One thing.. I notice you say that importing admins doesn't show up, but works. Well, I found if after importing them, I manually add anything to the whitelist, the whole lot of them will show up. So you might want to add that for people who haven't found out, so they can see them all. One request as well - having the program window open is running my CPU around 15% capacity or so, and I have a pretty powerful computer, so I imagine it is considerably more on the average machine. I don't mind it while I am really using it, but it would be nice if there were at least an option that so when you clicked on a page in the log to open it in the browser, that your program would minimize itself, as doing so stops it from using up that CPU power, while just having it hidden behind the browser window does not. -Goldom 15:30, 14 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Oh, I forgot one other thing too. An option to remove old listings after x amount of time from their being edited, or possibly after x amount of listings are on the screen. Having the program open for a while there just get to be so many, and this would take away having to manually choose to clear them every few minutes. -Goldom 15:34, 14 August 2005 (UTC)Reply



Cool tool, Derk. I've only had it a few minutes and I love it. It looks like the admin importing tool still only goes up to B, however, even after several tries. Any suggestions? — Ilγαηερ (Tαlκ) 00:11, 19 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Also, the link to download a watchlist is broken, I think. — Ilγαηερ (Tαlκ) 00:14, 19 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Wonderful ! Dake 13:35, 6 September 2005 (UTC)

Back to it


OK, I'm back in the swing of things now and have finished moving. Some students at the university may be working on this as part of a project for a class, but if that falls through, I'll be working on this again in short order. CryptoDerk 00:09, August 25, 2005 (UTC)



when i try to connect it says "Problem connecting to server (try port 6667 or browne wikimedia port 667). I've tried both and i always get this error message. Is there anyway to fix this? Jobe6 02:45, August 25, 2005 (UTC)

Same problem for me. Just downloaded and installed it, but cant seem to connect to either server. --tomf688<TALK> 17:10, August 25, 2005 (UTC)

ping timeout



The soft keep getting disconnected by the server for ping timeout, looks like you have to send some kind of keep alive to inform the server we are still listening :)

I noticed the software answer:


Maybe it should answer:


Hashar 14:40, 6 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

not related to the capital letters, I tried, it still disconnect. Dake 20:20, 6 September 2005 (UTC)
I sniffed a bit my irc client traffic. It send requests like 'PING LAG1918503912' and get answered 'PONG :LAG1918503912' , that's I believe how xchat determine the lag with the server. So maybe CDVF should send some PING requests from time to time instead of answering PING from server (or there is something wrong in the way it answer :( ). Hashar 23:56, 6 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Tried under windows 2000 with java 1.5, same trouble :) Hashar 01:29, 7 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

This really doesn't have anything to do with operating system, version of java, capital letters, etc. If anything, this is happening because of a change on wikimedia's side regarding the IRC server. I'll take a look at it, or if those other coders end up joining the project I'll give it to them. Sending ping requests instead of waiting is doable, and is originally how I had set up the keepalive, but it's wasteful, and because server ping time intervals are variable you still have to code in the required response from RFC 1459. Anyway, I've made note of it. CryptoDerk 13:06, September 7, 2005 (UTC)

Firefox tabs

"it's probably easiest if you use a browser that supports tabbed browsing (e.g. Firefox with Tabbrowser Extension)"

Er, AFAIK the tabs are built-in (at least in 1.0+), only the extended tabs preferences are in plugins. --IByte 20:56, 6 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Right, tabs are built in, but TBE lets you tweak them a lot so you can really get what you want (IMO). I'll clarify that on the page. CryptoDerk 15:26, 14 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Watchlist importing


Running CDVF and cannot discern from the instructions here how to properly download my watchlist for importing into the program. Clarification would be appreciated; and I prefer FireFox if that makes a difference. - RoyBoy 800 06:15, 11 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Go to your watchlist. Click on "display and edit the complete list". Save that page locally. Then when you import it in CDVF, point it to the page you saved. Note that now that I check my entire list, the format seems to have changed, so I'm not 100% sure if it will still work, but it's another thing I (or the other coders) will take a look at. CryptoDerk 15:26, 14 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Index out of bounds exception


Sometimes CDVF throws this exception and hangs:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 28 >= 28
       at java.util.Vector.elementAt(
       at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.getValueAt(
       at vf.tableChanged(
       at javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel.fireTableChanged(
(and a screenful of lines of traceback inside swing's guts)

Java 1.5.0_03-b07 on Linux-2.4.30 --MvR 22:25, 13 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

I've run into that a few times when fighting with the scrollbar bug, though I added some "padding" to the calculations to make it not happen. Some new coders (see below) will be working on it. CryptoDerk 15:26, 14 September 2005 (UTC)Reply