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Chambers's will


I have a copy of the scanned will, but (1) it is written in a nigh undecipherable sort of court script that takes some time and examples to puzzle out and (2) I don't know if a pdf file can be shared here on Wikipedia. So here's is my transcription. Note that the will refers to his sisters by their married surnames, Casson and Wood. P.S. I created your user page rather than your user talk page. Good to see that you figured it out.

Ephraim Chambers of Grays Inn in the County of Middlesex Gent. being sick of Body but of sound mind and memory do make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Imprimis to each of my two neices daughters of my Brother Nathanael Chambers and also to each of my two Neices daughters of my Sister Casson I give and Bequeath the Sumt of one Hundred pounds a piece and to my Nephew Wood Son of my Sister Wood I do also give and Bequeath the like Summ of one hundred pounds which Several Summs afore said amounting in the whole to the Summ? of five hundred pounds I desire may be vested by my Executors hereafter to be named in Government or other Securities bearing Interest and this as soon as is conveniently may be after my decease and my Will is that the amounts of principal and Interest of the said Several Sums of one hundred pounds above mentioned be paid to my said Nephew and Nieces when they shall Severally arrive at the age of Twenty and one years and not before and that if it shall please God that either of my two Neices daughter of my Brother Nathanael Chambers shall happen to dye before she attain to the age of Twenty one years then it is my Will that the hundred pounds and Interest which would have been due to her shall be given and payd to my Nephew Wood and the like I desire may be done in case of the death of either of my Nieces daughters of my Sister Casson videlicet that the hundred pounds and Interest which would have been due to her at her arrival at the age of Twenty one years shall be given to my said Nephew Wood and paid him when he arrives at the age of twenty one years and in case my said Nephew Wood shall dye before he arrive at the age of Twenty one years then my Will is that the hundred pounds and Interest which he would have been entitled to on his coming of age shall be given and payd to my Sister Wood her Self Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Zachary Chambers the Lease of my Chambers in Grays Inn with the furniture in it and also such of my Books as do not immediately relate to the use and Service of my Dictionary Item I give all such of my Books purchased with my own Money as immediately related to the use and Service of my Said Dictionary and are Indexed or abbreviated in some of the Twenty five Volumes in folio of Indexes in my Custody to the Booksellers proprietors of the copy of my Dictionary to be employd by them in correcting improving and continuing the said Dictionary The Residue of my Goods and Effects my just Debts and funeral expences being first payd, I give and Bequeath to my two Brothers and my two Sisters abovementioned to be divided among them share and share alike and I do nominate and appoint my two Brothers Nathanael and Zachary Chambers joynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament desiring of them that my funeral be performed with the least ceremony possible without the parade of Coaches Horse pall bearers or the like half a dozen poor housekeepers of the Neighbourhood where I dye to whom ten Shillings a piece may be given will Convey me to my Grave in the manner I should most approve If I dye at Cambury House [1] I know of no place where I should sooner chuse to have my body Interred than in Islington Church Yard against the East Wall near the doorway. But those points relating to my funeral I do not absolutely prescribe but leave it to the discretion of my two Executors in case of very good reasons for dispensing with them to bury me where and how they think proper. Dated at Cambury House this Ninth day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and forty. Ephraim Chambers signed Sealed and declared to be the last Will and Testament of the above mentioned Ephraim Chambers the day and year above written in the presence of Charles Tapp Mary Tapp Mary Tapp Junr.

This Will was proved at London before the Worpll [Worshipfull] William Strahan Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull John B. Hesworth Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the Twenty-third day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty by the Oaths of Nathaniel Chambers and Zachary Chambers the Brothers of the deceased and Executors named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first Sworn duly to administer. Exd.[Executed]

[1] That is, Canonbury House in Islington.

Belastro (talk) 22:04, 14 March 2023 (UTC)Reply