I live in Nottinghamshire I was born February 1991 my favorite food is Indian My favorite colors are green and blue My favorite actor is Kaitlyn Maher My favorite TV shows are police academy, comedy, DIY, action, reality shows My favorite music artist are Kaitlyn Maher, Sophia Grace and Rosie, Connie Talbot, Jessie J, Britney Spears, Reality Changers, PSY, cheeky girls, Whitney Houston, Lilly Allen, Katie Price, Peter Aundre

I work as a scout leader and my sad scout bane is last the snake of jungle book as my scouts are cubs and we all named after a jungle charter the scouts are called pack the wolf pack who was led by Akela which is the leader pack, Rickki Tre vu pack leader asstiant, leaders helpers kaa and chilli I also work are Britain's Heart Foundation. In my spare time I mix music and play sports I also have my own two pages on Facebook one called Daniel Skeleton (CN) which is about advertising, news and anything you would like to share and my other one called DJ Alletson which is about my my music and other singers and finally I have my own page on YouTube which is about my music. (NONE OF MY MUSIC IS NOT A VERY GOOD RECORDONG DUE TO MY SET)

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