User talk:Davidbena/Userboxes/ExtraSolarPlanet

The Torah ascribes unto the priest a definite defilement, until the sun sets. This is inferred by the text; the words telling how that he had been defiled by touching one of the eight dead creeping things enumerated in the Torah.

  • The dead creeping thing = Father of uncleanness, capable of transmitting defilement at a further remove
  • The priest who touched it = contracts a first-grade uncleanness
  • Priest who immerses himself, but whose sun has not yet set (Tebul Yom) = still suffering from uncleanness, but at a further remove, namely, a second-grade uncleanness, which forbids of him eating the holy bread (Terumah)
  • Terumah that has been touched by a priest before his sun sets = contracts a defilement at a further remove, namely, third-grade uncleanness (which renders the Terumah unfit for consumption)



  1. ^ Leviticus 22:5–7