The article you created was not deleted for copyright reasons. It was deleted because you did not say anything about notability. You did not say anything to explain why the article should stay. You did not say anything to justify the game being on Wikipedia. There was zero mention of any reason why anyone should care.

It's a game. It's set in the year 3000, it's heavy on strategy. It uses the same basic idea as some very famous games. There's a free version and a pay version; they're exactly the same except that the pay version includes a scenario editor.

There is nothing here to tell me why I should care. There is nothing here to tell me why anyone except the people involved with making the game should care. Maybe it's hugely successful and there's reviews of it in all the reputable sources and it was mentioned in Parliament. But you didn't say anything about that.

I will not be restoring that page. If you think you can find enough material on which to base a new article about the game, then go ahead. But if you try to make a new article without enough content to support it, it will get deleted again. And I urge you to read our guidelines on conflict of interest. DS (talk) 21:59, 11 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi. Dragonfly has asked me to step in here since he's a bit busy. I've reviewed the article and have come to the same conclusion that DS did, that it does not meet our notability policies for inclusion. You can read WP:NGAMES and WP:NSOFT for more specific details. I encourage you to read your first article. If you have any questions, you can leave them below and add {{help me}} and a helper will come by shortly to answer it. Legoktm (talk) 10:19, 15 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes, I agree with what has been said above. To have an article on a game, we need to verify that it has been written about by some website or media outlet. Until journalists have written about your game, we can't host an article on it. See WP:RS for what kind of coverage we look for. Mark Arsten (talk) 18:19, 2 October 2013 (UTC)Reply