Your edits to François d'Amboise


Hi. Your recent edits to the article François d'Amboise are confusing. What exactly is it that you are trying to convey? Is it that the publication date of Abelard's works should be 1615? Or that some credit should be given to André Duschene? Or that d'Amboise is responsible for a 1615 edition published under Duschene's name? Please clarify, if you can. Also, be careful not to violate the "no original research" WP:OR policy of the Wikipedia: sources/references for the information you have provided should be given. Finally, the edit also appears to be somewhat awkwardly placed in the "works" section, and might perhaps be better placed on the article's talk page or as a footnote. Thanks. - NYArtsnWords (talk) 18:20, 29 July 2013 (UTC)Reply