Your problem El-Apostolico with that is that the "name" Anglicanism, and the "name" Methodism, is not what matters. i do not argue about the "name" Oneness Pentecostalism. I argue about the CONCEPT of Oneness Pentoecostalim. Just like I noticed someone edited out biblical verses from Exodus that clearly show God telling Moses what his name IS, i can also see that you try to migrate this discussion somewhere other than where it truely is. What I have done is studied all of them, and they do not refute earlier testimony, only they refute later practices. Wesley, Calvin, and the others, they disputed the Catholic traditions of THEIR time, they did NOT debate Catholic or Apostolic traditions of Christs time. You, like Mormons, like JWs, seek to take a philosophical time machine into the past and take snapshots of parts of the events in history and in the Bible, while leaving out essential parts that disagree with you. Furthermroe you speak of 1+1+1=1 when in fact, if you've discussed mathemeatically the Trinitarian view, its 1x1x1=1 which is true or 1 to the third power. God exists multidimentionally, not seperately, and the concept of God, not being limited by physicality, is a concept you choose to ignorantly turn AWAY from. Like Islam's refusal to accept that God can have a son without sex, you refuse to accept that God can be one being of three persons, despite the Bible's clear indication of the POSSIBILITY at least! I will never stop El-Apostolico unless the evidence, the facts compel me to. The ignorant pleas you bring only egg me on further. --Zaphnathpaaneah 10:35, 1 September 2006 (UTC)vReply