User talk:Engware/Sandbox

Explanation of revisions by Beychok

  • Units should not be enclosed in brackets. For example, [K] should be K, and [kJ/kg] ahould be kJ/kg.
  • HTML is allowed for making subscripts and super scripts. For example, SO2 becomes SO2.
  • Units must be in SI or others will change them on you. So I changed lbm/lbm to kg/kg and lbmol/lbmol to mol/mol.
  • Superlatives should be avoided. They will be labeled Point of View (POV) and Wiki has a no point of view (NPOV) policy. I changed "huge" to "large", and I changed "more and more" to simply "more".
  • I change your lower case elements to capitals. That is, c, o, h, n were changed to C, O, H, N. Most Wikipedians would not understand the lower case usage. You also had lower case "w" in one heading which I assumed to be "water", si I changed it to H2O.
  • Table 5 has HHV in BTU/lbm which should be changed to kJ/kg and I left that for you to do and to make the necessary numerical conversions.
  • I numbered your tables and images so as to avoid the usage of see "below" or shown "below". Numbering also allows you to refer to a particular image or table from anywhere in the text.
  • You should remove the brackets from all the units in your Images 1 and 2. For example, [K] should be K. and [kJ/kg] should be kJ/kg.
  • Look on the Edit page to see how I changed your images to what we call "thumbs" which automatically frames the images and allows you to specify right, left or center and also allows you to alter the size and allows you to enter an Image number and title which is automatically placed at the bottom of the framed image.
  • I was able to reduce the size of Image 1 and yet retain legibility, so that I could locate it on the right and leave room for text on the left.
  • I could not reduce the size of Image 2 and yet retain legibility. I advise you to use larger font for the numbers and wording on the vertical and horizontal axes. Also, why not cut the graph off at say 4000 K? That would be helpful in reducing the size.

I probably made a few more changes that I cannot recall. But I hope that you find this useful. You can always look at the History page to see exactly what changes were made.

I don't understand your "Stoichiometric Ratio". Spell out the ratio of what to what and include units or at least do it in a footnote.

Regards, - mbeychok 21:09, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply