Statue of Machiavelli at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

This timeline lists important events relevant to the age of the some notable people people.


Jane Austen

(Dates in square brackets are conjectural)


  • 1786 – Jane Austen leaves the Abbey School[1]
  • 1481 - With his brother Totto, Machiavelli begins at the school of Paolo da Ronciglione.[2]
  • 1498: Machiavelli is confirmed by the Great Council as second chancellor of the Republic; Machiavelli is elected secretary to the "Ten of War"(La Guerra dei Dieci), the body that manages Florence's military matters.[3]; On behalf of the Ten of War, Machiavelli is sent on his first diplomatic mission to Piombino.
Machiavelli is sent on mission to Pandolfo Petrucci, ruler of Siena and on mission to the Papal court at Rome.[5]
  • 1509 - Machiavelli publishes Report on Germany and the Emperor (Discorso sopra le cose della Magna e sopra lo imperatore); publishes the poem, The Second Decade (Decennale secondo); an update to Machiavelli's earlier work The First Decade (Decennale Primo) is published.

After death



  1. ^ a b c d e Sutherland 2002, pp. lviii–lxii.
  2. ^ Grafton 2003, p. ix.
  3. ^ "Niccoló Machiavelli". Great Minds Machiavelli biography. Institute for the Study of Western Civilization. Retrieved 29 September 2011.
  4. ^ "Machiavèlli, Niccolò nell'Enciclopedia Treccani". (in Italian). Retrieved 11 July 2023.
  5. ^ a b c d e Grafton 2003, p. x.
  6. ^ Wooton 1994, p. 37.
  7. ^ Germino 1972, p. 24.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h Grafton 2003, p. xi.
  9. ^ Creighton 1887.
  10. ^ Falco 2004, p. 334.
  11. ^ a b Grafton 2003, p. xii.



Category:Personal timelines