How to deal with demanding friends or people.

      Do you have that one friend you can't stand? I know how you feel. They think just because your best friends with them, they automatically know everthing about you. That's wrong! Know one knows you better than yourself and God. You know how you're feeling, you know what you're craving or thinking. Don't let people like that get to you. They are just trying to destroy you. If your BEST friend is demanding things from you, stop being their friend! But if you're not that kind of person to stop being friends with your BFF, than YOU tell them you to need to talk. If she doesn't want to talk, fine then...leave that to her, but make sure YOU say what YOU need to say. Why not say this, "Look(whoever this may be)I've had enough of you telling me what to do and how to live my life. I don't care if you don't want to talk, but I have something to say. I'm done!" And then just leave it at that. Don't be afraid to show how you really feel. But also try not to hurt their feelings. Make sure you got your point across and make sure THEY understand. Now if they still want to be friends...great, but if's not your fault. 
     I have been through this situation. That is why I wrote this to help you understand. Be sure to take my advice, but if not...GOOD LUCK!!! Try your very hardest to not hurt their feelings. If you ever need anymore advice, just write to me please. I am ALWAYS here to help. And by the way, I'm only 13.