As a woman who has suffered from depression I sympathize with many people Ive come across with that have no one to help them. Depression is a medical condition period! Theirs scans taken by proffesionals who show the difference in a Norman brain and a brain with depression. Every 11 minutes someone takes their life. Imagine, this could be your father or mother. Your sister or brother. Your it was in my case.

  On December 5th 2019..4 days after our daughters birthday who he adored, committed suicide. 

The horror is that I witnessed his 2nd attemp. My husband, my best friend, my rock, and the father to my kids was gone and never coming back. It was the worst days of my life and top of that I had a 3 year old little girl crying non-stop that she wanted her daddy.

This grief is like no other. I had to sleep with the lamp on and the door open. My family thought I would do the same but I had 2 girls to take care of.

I developed PTSD and in this 2 years have gone to the ER for panic attacks that dont go away. My life is not the may not understand...and hope you never go through this. The mental health system in my town is complete messed up!! I never ever though I was gonna be a widow. and here I am advocatincg for something im very passionate about. Please be part of #breakthestima

  1. speakyourvoice #mentalhealthawareness

Before its too late!

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