White superiority is the actual belief that white people make up or contribute to a superior race or ethnic group to that of other or every different racial or ethnic group to that of whites deeming them inferior. Although * white supremacy does play into * white superiority these are two different things, with * supremacy in this sense being the state of being superior to all others in a general sense based on holding power over every racial or ethnic group of people through, power, authority, and law. While * superiority is referring to the state or idea of being more superior to someone, in this case regarding being more superior to someone based off their skin.

Although, the word * black supremacy has been used in topics and discussions black supremacy does not actually exist with black supremacy meaning that black people hold or held superiority over all races and ethnic groups through a form of power or authority. But this has never been the case for blacks or African-American people as they are a minority group and have never held high enough power to enact supremacy towards another group or race. The racial idea that blacks think that they are superior to other races would be black superiority instead. To also paint a clear difference white supremacy is the action or form of power while white superiority is only the belief.

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Germywormy (talk) 06:58, 12 January 2021 (UTC)Germaine JenkinsReply