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from wikibrig's talk page: A modest example begins in the realm of Seinfeld. Connotations regarding the suggested syntax are only meant to be instructive about the concept itself, and may be articulated ideally by using it.
(For reasons perhaps only known to the author(s).)
Convertible ...
Perhaps, if the Wikibriq concept were allowed to manifest itself, unremarkable constructions such as
[[Kramer:{{Character:Smarts}}|(For reasons perhaps only known to the author(s))]]
may be avoided.
Frank W ~@) R, Jan. 7th, 19:27 (PST). ~ ~~ GrandVoivodOfErdely GrandVoivodOfErdely 22:43 Jan 14, 2003 (UTC)
Hello. Any reason why you're quoting Fwappler's comments on Seinfeld? BTW, if you're making many edits to your user pages, please could you mark the "minor edit" box. tx -- Tarquin 22:46 Jan 14, 2003 (UTC)
after my brief experimentation with fwappler's experimentation, nothing makes much sense. Can the original author please enlighten me?
Fwappler is a relatively new contributor. Most people here have no idea what s/he means most of the time. It's rather confusing. -- Tarquin 23:17 Jan 14, 2003 (UTC)
Please don't post copyrighted articles. It can cause the entire project to be shut down. -- Zoe
Hi. what does what you've written on Talk:Ferdosi mean? -- Tarquin 00:58 Mar 9, 2003 (UTC)
Are you planning on making any contributions to Talk pages, or are you just adding gibberish? -- Zoe
Zoe, it's actually not gibberish, I resent you calling it as such. It spells out to be "allah", ofcourse in arabic. Grand Voivod has also done the same to my talk page, yet User:k1 seems to have deleted it. Grand, as a Muslim I am not at all dissapointed of what you did to my user page, but I am not sure if others are as apreciative ;). Yet for some odd reason I could not make out all the letters! Yours Truly
I am the User:k1 that you mention above. You are absolutely wrong in saying that I have deleted the gibberish that that guy put on Talk:Ferdosi page or anywhere else. Fortunately, the history of changes of all pages can be viewed and you can determine who did what, when. I did, however, resent what that bozo did, and upon a little investigation, I noticed that he had done the same stupid thing on a number of other pages, all of which were out of place and uncalled-for. But it seems that he later deleted them himself. I don't care that what he put there says "Allah" in Arabic; so what? What place does that have on Talk:Ferdosi page? What if Christians start putting "Jesus" all over the place? It was gibberish. Keyvan
What on earth are you doing GRAND? What are the targets you posted on discussion pages for? I appologize, Grand is not planning on making contributions he just likes posting gibberish. The U.K must have a very awful Privy Council to consider you as an advisor. Alireza Hashemi
Would you mind saying what are the reasons for your changes when you do them? jbc Sat May 24 08:00:01 UTC 2003