The Rule of THREE Blessings

A Partial Teaching

GOD has given 100 Crores (1 Billion), of Ashirwad (Blessings), to every Atma / Soul, to distribute during Janam (passage through a human life span).

When the Messenger takes the Atma/Soul, back for judgement, the Chief Judge (Dharam Raj / Chitragupta/ Peter/), will take the account, from the Atma/Soul, in respect of these Blessings.

All blessings/ashirwad, distributed by a human being, are on behalf of the Atma/Soul, resident within that human body; all Ashirwad/Blessings, that are distributed, are direct from GOD.

GOD uses the Atma/Soul, resident within the human body, to distribute HIS Ashirwad/Blessings, among people passing through Janam.

Therefore, we are just doing our Duty, when we distribute, the allotted Ashirwad/Blessings, during Janam.

I will show you one simple, practical, method of distributing, your load of Ashirwads/Blessings, so that you can face the Judge, at the time of judgement.

One Method


Whenever, I meet another person, I wish him or her a "Good morning/ Afternoon/ Evening."

The full form of "Good morning, isĀ : "Here is an Ashirwad/Blessing for you to make your morning good "


The person may or may not respond.

If there is no response - I proceed on my way.

When the person responds - in any way.

I earn the opportunity to distribute another Ashirwad/Blessing: "GOD Bless you."


The person may or may not respond.

If there is no response I proceed on my way.

When the person responds - in any way.

I earn the opportunity to distribute another Ashirwad/Blessing: "Be happy," the full form is: 'Here is an Ashirwad/Blessing for you to Be Happy.'


If the person responds for the third time, then both have earned ONE hundred thousand Ashirwad/Blessings from GOD in the account of their individual Atma/Soul.

If the person does not respond, then you have earned one hundred thousand blessings for your Atma/Soul while the other person has only distributed two out of his or her 1 Billion Blessings, that he/she is required to distribute.

Make the effort now.

Philosopher 2 (talk) 16:54, 4 August 2008 (UTC)Reply