User talk:Histidine6.0/Cruciform DNA

Latest comment: 3 years ago by Mccorma4 in topic JM Peer Review of NM

Test V3-- working?

Genomic Instability - EF


Overall a good paragraph. The paragraph seemed well informed, with the correct information Each sentence sounded like an excerpt from a dissertation. Maybe allow the information to connect and flow between each sentence. The excessive use of citation gives me the impression that this is not your words, but words of other people. Which is not at all bad. Citing is better than plagiarism, however, I would like to see some more personal knowledge or interpretation of the data/evidence/information. Maybe using what we learned in class about Cruciform DNA to aid in your knowledge. Try summarizing the information from a particular source into a sentence or two. Refrain from using the same source three times in a row for different sentences/ ideas

History CMF


When you say “Scientists like Alfred Gierer….”, does that mean it was broadly speculated at the time, or was it mainly his (and a few other scientists’) idea? If the latter, maybe clarify which contributions are whose, but if the former, maybe clarify that this was broadly speculated because of certain aspects of the structure. It might help to add another source if you’re unsure. I really like the image, it’s so neat looking! I think including a hand-drawn image is fine, I just haven’t seen one in a wikipedia article before. It clarifies well what you mean by hairpins and palindromic sequences, even though I’m sure you’ll link back to those articles as well.

Function CMF


This is a really good intro. It's short but informative.

Role of CBP in replication CMF


In the second sentence, when you say “momentary,” does that mean fleeting or just temporary? “After some of these cruciform binding…” sentence could be reworded for clarity. From the sentence starting with “Prior to the dissociation form these…” to the end of the paragraph, the information is a bit disjointed. It might be better to talk about the behavior of CBPs prior to dissociation before talking about the circumstances that cause them to dissociate. The transition to the discovery of these proteins in different organisms is a little too abrupt. I think the transition can be modified so that the information fits with the rest of the section.

Role in Diseases - EF


A much better paragraph than the previous. Not much to really say, maybe included a hyperlink to other sources that uses words some may not know. For example BRCA1 and Dek. If not, maybe a brief description or definition so that people are not lost when reading the paragraph.

JM Peer Review of NM


1st paragraph Good Background information on cruciform and Inverted repeat Sequences

"the rate of formation can kinetically depend on the presence of salt".. This sentence sounds a little awkward. Maybe take out can kinetically and just say depends.

2nd paragraph C type mechanism explained really well. It could be helpful to expand on the temperature dependence. Do high or low temperatures favor this C type formation? S type mechanism also well but maybe provide more information on the branch migration. If any specific enzymes are involved in these mechanisms or recognizing these cruciform structures, that could be good to include. Might be helpful to include diagram showing an exmaple of cruciform formation/ curciform structure 3rd Paragraph Good explanation between how it's kinetically unfavorable but becomes thermodynamically favorable. Great explanations for how the presence of those metals affect the structure of the cruciform formation. Last two sentences seem repetitive and were already included in the 2nd paragraph for C type formation. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Mccorma4 (talkcontribs) 17:13, 10 December 2020 (UTC)Reply