I received your anonymous angry message on my user page (you're supposed to leave messages for a user on his talk page, dumbshit). I don't have a problem with Russ Martin; I don't listen to him or any other talk radio program. What I do have a problem with is fanboys using Wikipedia as a free medium to create a fansite. I don't think a local DJ is notable, and as a Wikipedian I have a right to nominate his article to AfD and let the community decide whether they agree with my position. You have the right to vote "Keep" if you like. Grow up, jackass. Also, 1) you are = you're; 2) it's not "tweeking" it's tweaking; and 3) "an" only precedes words beginning with a vowel. You really are an illiterate moron. Go crawl back into your hole. Cap'n Walker 14:26, 26 September 2007 (UTC)Reply