Jebiddeen JB A SPECIAL LOVE STORY I EVER READ[The Hardest Choice Of My Life].“Hi reader. This will be a recounting of my first real love. I will start from beginning to now but before I start. Why am I writing this? I've written this to express these feelings I have bottled up inside over the last three months. I miss her. I miss her more then I miss my family and friends.... JEBIDDEEN LOVE STORY So, lets get started. It was the first day of my grade ten year. I grabbed my bag and walked out to my buss stop. The usual folks were present but we had one more minor nine'r among us. She was waiting long before any of us showed up. She mistakenly had waited down the road a bit and on the other side. A few weeks went by and we repeated our schedule. Until one day. I was leaving to catch the buss home and I saw her walk outside first. Two girls gossiped about her as she passed. One bragged that she didn't care that the girl from the buss's mom had died a few years prior. I got angry but I kept my composure. Why angry? because I too... lost my mother. I had to know this girl. So like every socially awkward teenager... I added her on Facebook and sent her a message. Lol... Seems so silly. (Little did I know that for the next five years we would be in and out of love). We hung out a few times. I brought her to the lake. I brought her to the hockey rinks to see the stars when the lights were turned off. Walked her home every day. Then one day... after saying goodbye at her door. She grabbed the door and slammed it shut. Not to separate us but to hide us from her aunts eyes. We both stood outside in the dark. There were no words to say. She kissed me and then disappeared behind the door. I walked home smiling that night. The next day I asked her to be mine and she accepted. Skip forward to the end of high school. Its march of 2012. We haven't talked for over a year due to my last mistake with another girl and she had a boyfriend. I messaged her on Facebook again. I simply asked if we could grab coffee. She was not angry or upset with me. Instead we picked up where we left off. I asked her to come to my place for the weekend because we had a lot to talk about. She came... We fell asleep together. The next day I woke up facing her. Maybe 2 inches separated us our faces. I could not help it. I leaned in... and I kissed her. She kissed back. we spent all morning there. Content that we were back together again. I moved in with her family 2 weeks later. Might seem fast but when you already know some one inside and out there isn't anything stopping you and her family always liked me. We lived there till she finished grade 11 and I 12. That summer we got our own place. We lived in a ****** run down apartment but we turned it into a home. We had two cats and my dog would come visit every other weekend. It was a lovely place. She finished grade 12 while I worked during my year off. We were perfect. Occasional disagreement but we could talk it through. Then we had the best summer of my life so far. Now

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