Justin Villa’s (Jmv81) review of Wiki article “New Public Service” - Needs to have Citation IN the article with a small [1] above each text cited. - Needs hype links to important points (Ex: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher or John Major) - “1990s-2000s , 2000s – Present, and Further Reading” don’t have any content only the words “text” - Article contains criticism and alternatives, but not the positive effect - Separate the Public and Private Sector into its own section or subsection. - Maybe add some pictures or graphs ✓ Good variety with the sources, ✓ Good Summary at the beginning, ✓ Good History and Development section, other than the missing content,

"PC Master Race" Wiki Page Evaluation - Little mention the PC Gaming groups, sites, communities, or blogs. Like /r/Pcmasterrace - Doesn't prove the claims made from both sides. (Console, or PC) - Very short article ( 9 Sentences) - "superior to video game consoles due to its many capabilities and advantages". What advantages? What Capabilities? - Doesn't go into detail about Gabe Newell or Steam, and the effects they had on the PC Gaming community

    - Steam = internet-based digital distribution, multiplayer, and social networking platform. With 3,700 Games available and 100 Million Active users. 
    - Gabe Newell - Steam Founder and Considered the Godfather of PC Gaming. 

- Added an opinion piece from a Forbes reviewer

  1- Forbes, isn't known for tech "Reviews"
  2- Said, PC =  "necessity", Console =  for everyday life 
  3 - Console = "luxury" costing hundreds of dollars
       - A common misconception that all gaming PC's cost thousands of dollars, and don't consider the savings on gaming Subscriptions and Games.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 Sources for Media and Bureaucracy in the United StatesBold text

1- Handcuffs for the grabbing hand? Media capture and government accountability Am. Econ. Rev., 96 (2006)

2- Do freedom of information laws decrease corruption? J. Law Econ. Org., 29 (2013), pp. 1317–1343

3-Who owns the media? J. Law Econ., 46 (2003), pp. 341–350

4- Press coverage and political accountability J. Polit. Econ., 118 (2010)

5- Judicial checks on corruption in the United States Econ. Gov., 10 (2009), pp. 375–401

6- TILTING at windmills Washington Monthly. Nov/Dec2013, Vol. 45 Issue 11/12, p7-9. 3p.

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