Hi,if any one is reading this, I have suffered from bullying at my school. My friends tell me that I am so butiful and that they are just jelous, but sometimes I really just think that they are saying it. A few days ago I was sitting in a seat in the front of the class and a few girls behind me were talking about how fat I was, now I am 6 feet and 4 inches tall and way 90 pounds and even I do not think I'm fat, and they were talking loud so every one could here them. When I said oh and pretended not to be affended by it they all laughed. The reasin that they did this was beceause there not mean but the boys were right behind them. What girls do is put other girls down to make them look cooler in front of the boys. I have talked about this to some of the boys and thay do not think this is cool at all. Girls mostly do it to girls that their crush likes. One girl keeps on being mean to me just beceause the person they like likes me. In the past week I have been told that I am fat , I have no friends, go die in a dich , you are so mean, you are such an idiot, who cares what you think, go tell your imaginary friend -we don't care , go get a life , what a looser, I hate you, and your a "female dog". Oh, and this was a good week. Amasingly this has not realy affected me, i know I have wicked thick skin, but I am very close with my mom and she is appauled by theese actions. In Massachusetts, a few girls have killed them selves beceause of people doing things like this, but for me it has not gotten to this poit YET. My addvise is surround your self with friends, talk to an adult about it, and what you think is the only thing that matters. And if people are talking about you behind your back , just now that it is either a lie or something you already know ,beceause who knows you better then you know your self.

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