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Hi Mark, i was going to give you one of those canned welcome templates, but then decided against it. Talk about impersonal. Anyway, apparently we are in league to bring down the apologists. I fear this will stick, so get used it, like it or not. Glad you are feeling deletionist today, there is a lot of garbage to wade through!!! David D. (Talk) 03:54, 29 November 2005 (UTC)

  • The EAC rides again! BAWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! <snork>
Though, tell you the truth, I'm having doubts about the SAB having an entry at all. After playing with the AfDs, I started thinking about just how "notable" the SAB is. And, you know, it's not all that big a deal. One of the greatest ironies being that Alexa (which is often used to measure whether a site should be in the Wikipedia) shows [1]. Yes, SAB and JCSM seem to have pretty much the same traffic. What a hoot huh? Mark K. Bilbo 03:59, 29 November 2005 (UTC)
Hi Mark, i did see your message since I had your page on my watch list. It will be interesting to see if jason can get together a group of like minded friends to edit in wikipedia. It will be funny to watch them get into revert wars with each other. At least this is what i predict will happen. David D. (Talk) 18:45, 1 December 2005 (UTC)

Wife Swap

Well, I guess I assumed he would know you can't publish heresay in an encyclopedia, that it has to come from a published source. Wikipedia isn't just another message board or blog. I guess I assumed too much. I like to check around his edits to be sure he isn't being delt a raw deal which is very rare of which I can unfortunately come up with no real examples. Just my instinct for sticking up for the guy who appears to be the underdog. But I can't help if he doesn't throw a bone, and I don't see that happening. Until he decides he wants to be a part of the community, and not just use the community, there will continue to be problems. --DanielCD 04:11, 1 December 2005 (UTC)

What's your birthday?

Your article on you has your birth month and birth year, but not your birthday. This will help date formatting on the page (it doesn't work with just a month and a year). Thanks! --Cyde Weys votetalk 22:57, 27 December 2005 (UTC)

Honestly, I'm a little unnerved at how specific the author of the article was able to be as it is. There are certain private details I go to lengths to obscure far as the 'Net in general goes given the problems of identity theft and harassment (I have been harassed a few times and at least once stalked by online kooks). My preference is not to have even just the month nor year present. I know the determined can find out just about anything but I try not to be the "low hanging fruit" as it were. Mark K. Bilbo 23:38, 27 December 2005 (UTC)


Ohhh dear God, you're going for the userboxes too? Let me show you the inevitable endpoint of using userboxes. It ain't pretty. --Cyde Weys 20:43, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

This user is scared Mark K. Bilbo 20:53, 18 January 2006 (UTC)


I see you contribute using Dvorak. Do you actually have a Dvorak keyboard, or do you just use a different key layout? Anyway, would you happen to know of a way to set the keyboard type to Dvorak in Windows? I might want to give it a shot. --Cyde Weys 21:00, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

I use a key layout, my keyboard has QWERTY caps on it (is that what you were asking?). Finding an actual, physical Dvorak keyboard is pretty much impossible. But, also, superfluous as you can set the layout in most systems to pretty much anything you want. I've been using Dvorak for about 15 years now and haven't had to buy an actual keyboard to cart around.
I haven't done Windows in ages now (I use Linux). But there are some instructions over here[[2]] that might help. Mark K. Bilbo 21:16, 18 January 2006 (UTC)


He's essentially a megalomaniac. I was raised an Evangelical Lutheran, a mistake on my Dad's part because he also encouraged reading the Bible. The more I read, the more I withdrew (or maybe recoiled is a better word). I looked into Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., and found the same problems -- good points mixed among the dross, tons of contradictions, and a malevolence hiding behind the smile of a god (or gods) claiming benevolence. At this point I'm an agnostic, and doubt that that will change. Jim62sch 00:54, 23 January 2006 (UTC)


I am going to stick my neck out here and ask those of you who evidently have a long-running dispute with Gastrich to tone down the rhetoric. I freely admit to being an offender myself on occasion, too, so it applies to me as well. If examples of attacks are brought to my notice I will hit that new shiny "block user" button I have because, if we are absolutely honest, some of the time people are poking him with a stick to see of he bites. Great sport on Usenet, but not what Wikipedia is for. - Just zis  Guy, you know? [T]/[C]   AfD? 13:19, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

Well, for myself, I have to admit that my nerves are shot and maybe what I thought was restraint isn't. By way of explanation of nerves being shot, I do live on the outskirts of New Orleans. My parish took relatively little damage (though a lot of small businesses simply collapsed financially, my optometrist for one lost everything and I have no clue where he ended up). But our entire support system (courts, businesses, doctors, lawyers, you name it) was trashed. On top of that, my disabled roommate whose full time caregiver I had become because of his declining health, made it through the Katrina evacuation and Rita brushing nastily past us (including a rain wrapped tornado that tried to take out the small community to our West) up and died on me not long afterward. Day before my birthday actually.
I should probably just bail entirely. My judgement simply isn't up to par lately. Mark K. Bilbo 15:11, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

sheehan picture

Personal opinions do not belong on wikipedia. Please do not censor links.

JJstroker 13:41, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

If personal opinions don't belong here, why are you pushing yours? Mark K. Bilbo 13:45, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

Sheehan vandalism

For what it's worth I'm not an admin, I just know where they hang out. For such obvious instances of vandalism like that recent anon on Cindy Sheehan, it's probably fastest just to post a notice to #wikipedia on FreeNode. That's how I got Demi in to block the anon. --Cyde Weys 16:06, 30 January 2006 (UTC)

I didn't so much think you were as that you might have one on speed dial (<G>). Turns out, you did. Before I could manage to post one of those "need an admin" kind of notices, the block was done. Mark K. Bilbo 16:10, 30 January 2006 (UTC)

By the way...

Thanks for you kind words about me, Mark. Lack of prejudice and a preference for facts go a long way with me. (Meaning, some types of behavior make working with me very very hard...). And thanks for what you said about the Netherlands. But I fear we may be slowly losing that tolerance. Sign 'o' the times...? :-D

I hope the expertise we have here can be used to help other countries prevent this type of disaster. After a thousand years of floods, the North Sea flood of 1953 was the final straw and led to construction work that now allows us to seal out the sea entirely when necessary. Or so we hope.

So you live just outside the disaster area. I just read your account above and am at a loss what to say. It's difficult to comprehend devastation of this scale. Perhaps even more so for us here in the NL, with a collective subconscious influenced by a long history of the same. People help, religious people pray, but the misery will go on for a long time. I wish I could think of something positive to say.

I hope your diagnosis isn't more serious than FMS (which can be quite disabling but isn't fatal and partial or full recovery remain a possibility). You're so right, Wikipedia can be a dangerous stress area for people with a chronic condition. But it isn't nearly as bad as the trenches in CFS/ME advocacy; the anger levels there are unbelievable. Anyway, I like Wikipedia - the system seems to work in most cases. And its ideals are simply great. Editing wiki's using Wikipedia principles like NPOV and NOR should be taught at school. Including Christian schools. I love the setup. Even though much time is spent and often wasted on process, trolls and the like.

Looking forward to the next time we run into one another again. AvB ÷ talk 18:40, 30 January 2006 (UTC)

For verily hath he the gift of prophesy

) "Gastrich, it's amazing how you sashay into a community and start deciding what the rules are and are not. Not to mention your little campaign to get your name into the Wikipedia for the purpose of self-promotion is seriously pathetic. Keep it up and I'm betting you'll get yourself bounced out of here." Quite presentient (amazing what a knowledge of human psychology will allow one to "see") Jim62sch 01:52, 15 February 2006 (UTC)
Heh. What it is they say on that new Galactica series? "This has happened before, this will happen again." <G> Mark K. Bilbo 15:11, 15 February 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, "nothing new under the sun". Hey, thanks for "butting in" on the LBU talk page :-) AvB ÷ talk 20:02, 20 February 2006 (UTC)

Two more

How hard?
love, dfg 05:07, 22 February 2006 (UTC)

A request for abritration has been filed against you

Please see: Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration#Markkbilbo.2C_Harvestdancer.2C_Daycd.2C_Dbiv.2C_WarriorScribe --Ben 06:59, 22 March 2006 (UTC)

Point of contact

Last time I emailed you were unsure of the validity of the author. In the event you read this, just wanted to make contact to see if all was well. David Bilbo

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