Mash K Nistel (Kurong Mashur)


Mashur Kurong, famously known as Mash K Nistel born on 18th May 1987 at Kapchorwa main hospital Eastern Uganda, is a UPDF soldier Under ICT and Logistics department. He joined Uganda Army on 7th November 2006 at the age of 19.

Worked with motorized infantry (MOI) brigade in the 2008 before being transferred to Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSO-TC) - Singo later in the same year.

Worked at PSO-TC as an instructor Until 2012 when he got a call from African Union to work at AMISOM as a rations officer for Uganda Contingent In Mogadishu.

His contract had to expire in 2013 but he got re-called for an extension deal until Aug 2014

Worked at the School of Supply and Transport (SOST) after the AMISOM mission. He took on the office of production manager until November 2016 when he was named again to participate in the AMISOM mission as the Chief of Fuel Unit for Uganda Contingent in Mogadishu where he took on the assignment with a record breaking for his heroic accountability skills that made him the only UPDF soldier to earn 2 gold medals for best performance in the same department all UN mission areas. Mashnistel (talk) 23:12, 28 March 2018 (UTC)Reply