Cardiovascular System Carotid sheath, Epicardium, Pericardium, Tunica externa
Digestive System Buccopharyngeal fascia, Coronary ligament of liver, Falciform ligament of liver, Gastrocolic ligament, Greater omentum, Hypogastric ligament, Lesser curvature of the stomach, Lesser omentum, Mesentery, Mesoappendix, Peritoneum, Pharyngeal aponeurosis, Sigmoid mesocolon, Transvese mesocolon
Musculoskeletal System (head) Cruciform ligament of atlas, Galea aponeurotica, Masseteric fascia, Temporal fascia
Musculoskeletal System (neck) Deep cervical fascia, Investing layer of deep cervical fascia, Nuchal ligament, Pretrachial fascia, Prevertebral fascia, Superficial cervical fascia
Musculoskeletal System (upper extremity) Acromioclavicular ligament, Annular ligament of radius, Antebrachial fascia, Axillary fascia, Axillary sheath, Bicipital aponeurosis, Brachial fascia, Clavipectoral fascia, Collateral ligament of interphalangeal articulations of hand, Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal articulations, Deltoid fascia, Dorsal carpometacarpal ligamemt, Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament, Dorsal cuneonavicular ligaments, Dorsal cuneocuboid ligament, Extensor retinaculum of the hand, Flexor retinaculum of the hand, Infraspinatous fascia, Interosseous cuneocuboid ligament, Interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments, Interosseous membrane of the forearm, Lateral intermuscular septum, Medial intermuscular septum, Palmar carpometacarpal ligament, Palmar aponeurosis, Pectoral fascia, Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament, Plantar cuneocuboid ligament, Plantar cuneonavicular ligaments, Radial carpal collateral ligament, Radial collateral ligament, Radiate carpal ligament, Supraspinatous fascia, Ulnar carpal collateral ligament, Ulnar collateral ligament
Musculoskeletal System (trunk) Anterior longitudinal ligament, Aponeurosis of the Obliquus externus abdominis, Conjoint tendon, Conoid ligament, Coracoacromial ligament, Coracoclavicular ligament, Coracohumeral ligament, Costoclavicular ligament, Costotransverse ligament, Costoxiphoid ligament, Fundiform ligament, Intercrural fibers, Interspinal ligament, Lateral costotransverse ligament, Ligamenta flava, Linea alba, Linea semilunaris, Rectus sheath, Superior costotransverse ligament, Supraspinous ligament, Tendinous intersection
Musculoskeletal System (pelvis) Anal fascia, Deep inguinal ring, Diaphragmatic part of the pelvic fascia, Endopelvic part of the pelvic fascia, Fascia of the Obturator internus, Fascia of the Piriformis, Iliac fascia, Iliopectineal arch, Iliopectineal fascia, Inguinal ligament, Lacunar ligament, Pectineal ligament, Tendinous arch
Musculoskeletal System (lower extremity) Anterior ligament of head of fibula, Calcaneocuboid ligament, Calcaneofibular ligament, Calcaneonavicular ligament, Collateral ligament of interphalangeal articulations of foot, Collateral ligament of metatarsophalangeal articulations, Deep crural arch, Fascia lata, Fascia cribrosa, Femoral sheath, Fibular collateral ligament, Iliotibial tract, Interosseous membrane of the leg, Peroneal retinacula, Plantar fascia, Posterior ligament of head of fibula, Round ligament of femur, Short plantar ligament, Spring ligament, Tibial collateral ligament
Central Nervous System Arachnoid mater, Denticulate ligament, Dura mater, Meninges, Pia mater
Peripheral Nervous System Endoneurium, Epineurium, Nerve fascicle, Perineurium
Respiratory System Central tendon of the diaphragm, Crus of diaphragm, Interarticular ligament of head of rib, Medial arcuate ligament, Median arcuate ligament, Lateral arcuate ligament, Pleura, Radiate ligament of head of rib, Suprapleural membrane
Sensory System Medial palpebral ligament, Orbital fascia, Orbital septum, Zonular fibers
Uritogenital System Broad ligament of the uterus, Cooper's ligaments, Duodenorenal ligament, Fascia of Colles, Fascia of Scarpa, Fundiform ligament of clitoris, Fundiform ligament of penis, Inferior ligament of epididymis, Internal spermatic fascia, Lateral cervical ligament, Mesosalpinx, Ovarian ligament, Parametrium, Perineal membrane, Renal capsule, Renal fascia, Round ligament of uterus, Superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, Superior ligament of epididymis, Suspensory ligament of the ovary, Suspensory ligament of the penis, Tunica albuginea (ovaries), Tunica albuginea (penis), Tunica albuginea (testicles)

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