March 2014


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Dong Yu Lan Biography


In the year of 1920, in Fuchow, capital city of the province of Fukien, China, Watchman Nee surrendered his life to God, through the convincing preaching of Dora Yu. Meanwhile, in the city of Nimbo, in the province of Chekiang, Dong Yu Lan was born, the one who later would be a preacher of the gospel in South America.

Dong Yu Lan became a businessman at early age. This gave him experience in a wide range of areas like entrepreneurship, business vision, administration, which later was used by God for the spreading of His word. We can see similar experiences in the life of Moises and Isaiah. (Exo. 3-4), (Isa. 6:5-8).

Dong Yu Lan’s grandfather was very rich, but because he had problems managing it, he lost everything. Thus, Dong Yu Lan, still quite young, although he was the youngest among his brothers, had to work hard to help support the family. He even walked long distances to save money and gave it to his mother. In order to have an idea of his responsibility, at the age of 17 he had to lead five truckloads of hardware from Shanghai to Indochina, through Burma and other countries to take this material and sell it in that region. On the journey, three of the trucks broke and had to be left in the middle of the way. He took two trucks to the destination, detached one of them and returned with the parts to repair the other three. Going through these and many other trials, he became more mature and learned how to handle complicated situations. This was what happened until he became a successful entrepreneur.

In 1955, his older brother took him to a church meeting so he could hear the gospel. When the meeting was over, one of the brothers told him: “Mr. Dong, did you know that all men have sinned and that we are all sinners?” And he answered, “What? Me, a sinner? I have never done anything wrong!”. At that time, Dong Yu Lan considered himself a righteous and perfect person who turned away from evil, just like Job (Job 1:1), and said further, “You all are sinners, not me!”, and he left the meeting hall. Later on he was enlightened by the Lord and recognized his real condition; he repented and was saved and baptized and his situation totally changed. He lit a cigarette and, as he smoked, he felt a terrible flavor. He even lost his desire to drink and gamble. He rejected all those things and began to have a consecrate his life to God.

After seeking God, he became an elder in the church in Taipei. In 1958 there was an encouragement to the whoever had the vision and practice in Taiwan to migrate to the West to spread the revelation they had received from the Spirit of God. Among those who responded to the call of the Lord to migrate was Dong Yu Lan, who readily responded God’s need with simplicity. Thus, two years later, in 1960, he arrived at Brazil with his wife and five children (sometime later he had a daughter), to reside in the city of São Paulo.

Since he was called, he was followed along and supported in prayer by his wife Ester, who encourage him to serve the Lord, although he had to take long trips, she took care of domestic responsibilities.During this time they passed through many struggles and spiritual turmoil, typical of those who serve the Lord and lead His work with firmness and faithfulness. On February 9th, 2008 sister Ester went to be with the Lord.

In 1975, Dong Yu Lan received the burden from God to preach the gospel not only in Brazil but in all South America, teaching especially about the importance and need of calling on the name of the Lord and pray and read the word of God. At the time, he was invited to preach to a group of young people in the city of Ribeirão Preto and there his main burden was to lead all of them to call upon the name of the Lord. The churches have experienced a great spiritual renewal from that time on. More than three thousand churches were raised in all South America as a proof of his labor in the Lord, confirming that the burden which he received was from the Spirit.

For over 30 years, Dong Yu Lan has ministered Bible conferences in each country of South America and other continents. His biggest burden is to help God’s people to prepare for the Lord’s return (2 Pe 3:9, 12). All his life and ministry are controlled by this vision, in many conferences he always says that “

   Christ is our life, the church is our living and the Lord’s return is our goal”.

In order to fulfill this burden and meet God’s interests, he has helped the children of God to take the Word as food, not as mere knowledge.

Flowing life publication house was established to record and propagate the precious revelations given the God. There are over 200 titles published and distributed all over the world in Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, Italian, French and Korean. One of his publications which has helped many is the “Daily Food” (search for the keyword Dong Yu Lan in Amazon Kindle to find it or contact us), a devotional for 2 months which now has over 50,000 subscribers.

The burden in Dong Yu Lan’s heart over the years is to expand the kingdom of God on the earth. To expedite the process of expanding the work of the Lord on earth, the Spirit showed him some effective tools, such as the “Tree of Life Auditorium” with capacity for over 10,000 thousand people, where two international conferences are held every year, the Flowing Life Publishing House, the Flowing Life magazine, the Bookafe a project to reach out to the community, GTC (Gospel Training Center) and much more.

Today, Dong Yu Lan is 94 years old and continues preaching the gospel every weekend all over the world.