

Gentoo penguins do not store as much fat as the Adelie penguin, their closest relative, because Gentoos require less energy investment when hunting. The net gain of energy after hunting is greater in Gentoos than Adelies, so Gentoos do not need large energy stores as adults.[1] As embryos, Gentoos require a lot of energy in order to develop. Oxygen consumption is high for a developing Gentoo embryo. As the embryo grows and requires more oxygen, the amount of consumption increasing exponentially until the Gentoo chick hatches. By then, the chick is consuming around 1800 mL O2 per day.[2]


  1. ^ D’Amico, V. L., Coria, N., Palacios, M. G., Barbosa, A., & Bertellotti, M. (2014). Physiological differences between two overlapped breeding Antarctic penguins in a global change perspective. Polar Biol Polar Biology, 39(1), 57-64. doi:10.1007/s00300-014-1604-9
  2. ^ Actams, N. J. (1992). Embryonic metabolism, energy budgets and cost of production of king Aptenodytes patagonicus and gentoo Pygoscelis papua penguin eggs. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 101(3), 497-503. doi:10.1016/0300-9629(92)90501-g