Formula | Explanation |
Problem as stated | |
Using rules of factorials, change denominators to make LCD finding easier | |
Find least common denominator | |
Add the two fractions together | |
Factor out the in the numerator. This is where the + k comes from. | |
Simplify. |
As noted, this can also be written as .
--Melink14 (talk) 02:12, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
Now for the second question.
Formula | Explanation |
The stated problem. | |
Write out as per the definition of combinations. | |
Use factorial math to simplify denominators for LCD finding | |
Find the LCD. | |
Add. | |
Factor out the like last time. | |
Basic simplification of numerator | |
Simplify again using rules of factorials | |
A simple identity to make the connection to the next part clear. | |
This is the final result the question was looking for. |