Well, someone changed it from eco-capitalist to progressive so I just changed it back. The Green Party of Canada has an eco-capitalist perspective particularly with the leadership of Jim Harris who describes himself as an "economic conservative" and has used the phrase "eco-capitalist" to describe himself and the party. Peter Elgie, deputy leader of the Greens in Ontario and a federal candidate in the last election said on tv that he joined the Greens because he sees the party as a vehicle to make capitalism work by removing barriers to the market. If you like I can send you some articles and other references. I'm at an internet cafe at the moment so am just writing from memory. AndyL 21:59, 22 Sep 2004 (UTC)


Hi Mlpvolt!

You'll need to contact the original blocking admin, User:Can't sleep, clown will eat me, rather than me as CSCWEM would be the one who knows the original reason for the block. I was happy to liberalise the block, but couldn't really wheel it unilaterally.

Thanks. ЯEDVERS 17:12, 10 October 2006 (UTC)Reply