If your moving pages around without consent at least make sure you change the links in the templates, too, as otherwise somebody else will have to do it for you! Calistemon (talk) 13:48, 19 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

The new Regionalligen


I was under the impression that the Regionalliga Bayern would have two qualifying for the promotion playoffs. Raul17 (talk) 22:12, 19 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

The new Southwest division will get two. http://www.dfb.de/index.php?id=500014&tx_dfbnews_pi1[showUid]=27419&tx_dfbnews_pi4[cat]=121. (German, sorry). That is because it covers 50% more clubs participating in the corresponding state associations pyramids than the other regions and as nearly a third of all current Regionalliga clubs will go there. All other division will have one, especially Bavaria, which will be the smallest division based on currently Regionalliga teams and total association clubs in the pyramide. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 07:01, 20 July 2011 (UTC)Reply



Could you please provide a reference for the statement that the Fußball-Bayernliga is not considered an Fußball-Oberliga anymore? I had a look but can't find anything that states that it is or isn't, the BFV just referes to it as Bayernliga in the Spielordnung. Does a league have to be the highest league or a football association to be called and Oberliga? A reference is needed I would say. Calistemon (talk) 21:46, 12 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Fussball.de still lists the Bayernliga as an Oberliga. I don't think the highest league of an association has, or can only be, an Oberliga. Look at Sachsen where the Sachsenliga is the highest association league but not an Oberliga. Calistemon (talk) 22:01, 12 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
All official documents made up in 2010/11 have "Verbandsliga" for the league. The promotion und relegation rules for the transition year 2011/12 have "Verbandsliga" in it. Then in 2012, the BFV finally named it Bayernliga. On the other hand, the term "Oberliga" was never used.
Comparing Bayern and Sachsen is apples and oranges, as there is the Oberliga Nordost-Süd, being superior to Sachsenliga. An Oberliga always was the highest level of play with a Landesverband or for more than one Landesverband organizing a joint Oberliga. As within Bayern the Regionalliga is now the superior league, the Bayernliga is no Oberliga anymore. It just carries the traditional name of its predecessor, probably for better marketing with club sponsors etc. But still today, even the offical BFV website uses the term "Verbandsliga". Example: http://www.bfv.de/cms/seiten/71178.html
11./12. Februar 2011: Bei einem Bayernliga-Workshop mit Vertretern der Bayernligisten, des BFV und den Sprechern der drei bayerischen Landesligen werden eine neue Ligenstruktur der Verbandsligen und die Auf- und Abstiegsszenarien entworfen. Demnach sollen zwei Verbandsligen und fünf Landesligen den Unterbau für die neue Regionalliga bilden. Qualifikationssaison ist das Spieljahr 2011/12. Zudem soll auf ein kostenintensives Lizenzierungsverfahren verzichtet werden. Ebenso sollen für die Vereine die infrastrukturellen Voraussetzungen sowie wirtschaftlichen und spieltechnischen Anforderungen gesenkt werden.
And finally, the German WP also refers to "Verbandsliga". --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 05:39, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
The German Wikipedia is not a reliable source, for a start. I read the proposal to name the new divided league Verbandsliga back last year. At the time it was also envisaged that the Regionalliga Bayern would carry the name Bayernliga. Neither proposal was ever carried out, to my knowledge, the tier five league is still the Bayernliga and in no official document (lik the Spielordnung) is it listed as either Ober- or Verbnadsliga. A reliable source that clearly states that the league is now officially a Verbandsliga not an Oberliga anymore is still needed. Have you got one? Calistemon (talk) 06:13, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
I've emailed the BFV and posted the question, lets see whether they know or care. Can't see getting a quick reply however. Personally I tend to think the Bayernliga is just the Bayernliga, no Verbands- or Oberliga, similar to the Saarlandliga which has and Oberliga above it and a Verbandsliga below. Calistemon (talk) 06:25, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

One: An exemple is for a reliable document has been posted above: Check the link, you'll find the term "Verbandsliga". You can also check the promotion rules for 2011/12, you sure have them, they use the term "Verbandsliga". That's proof enough. Two: If is it just the Bayernliga, but neither Verbandsliga nor Oberliga, as you argued above, then you should be fine with my changes, that Bayernliga is no Oberliga anymore, shouldn't you? --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 06:57, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

I disagree. The Bayernliga could be still be an Oberliga because the Regionalliga Bayern is considered "semi-professional" while the Bayernliga is still considered amateure and those teams being promoted have to have a license. You are correct that the Regionalliga is the top league in the state, but the Bayernliga is still the top amateure league or "oberliga" if you will. I agree with Calistemon that the term "Verbandsliga" was used when the new regionalliga was assumed to be named "Bayernliga" and was used for the new feeder leagues in Feb. 2011 naming the committee the "Bayernliga-Workshop". Five months later, they named the league "Regionalliga Bayern" and there is no official annoucement that the Bayernliga is no longer an "oberliga". Raul17 (talk) 08:49, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
a) Of course you are free to disagree. But this is no matter of what one thinks or what one prefers. It is a matter of what the ruling association states in its provisions. And within all their provisions, there is not even one time the term "Oberliga". But several times there is the term "Verbandsliga".
b) Also you are incorrect that the term "Verbandsliga" was only used as long as it was still considered to probably name the 4th tier "Bayernliga".
Please check the 2011/12 promotion rules: http://www.fupa.net/fupa/images/berichte/dateien/12947_1.pdf.
On page 5 it quotes: Sollte der Bezirksoberligameister den Aufstieg in die Verbandsliga schaffen, verringert sich die Anzahl der Festplätze für den Bezirk auf fünf Vereine.
The same document already names the fourth level with its final name "Regionalliga Bayern" and the fifth level with its final name "Bayernliga".
So fact until proven otherwise is: The Bayernliga is NOT an "Oberliga". There is NOT even the smallest evidence for that. But there is lots of official documents qualifiying it as a "Verbandsliga". A "Verbandsliga" then for better marketing purposes labelleled "Bayernliga", as done before with "Westfalenliga", "Thüringenliga", "Brandenburgliga" and many more. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 09:28, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
The official word from the BFV is:
Hallo Herr xxx, im Landesverband Bayern nennt sich die Oberliga (die Bezeichnung für die fünfthöchste Spielklasse in Deutschland) Bayernliga. Die Verbandsliga ist bei uns die Landesliga. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Tudor Chioar, Bayerischer Fußball-Verband e.V., Abteilung Spielbetrieb Herren
If you wish I can forward you the email or, if you fail to still believe me, go to the Kontakt section of the BFV, drop them an email and request clarification. I think there is no question now, the Bayernliga is an Oberliga. Calistemon (talk) 10:20, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
No reason not to believe that you received that email. But from what this Mr. Chioar wrote, you can tell that he just labelled the Bayernliga as an Oberliga because it is a fifth division. No other reason. If so, then why did the BFV originally labelled the division "Verbandsliga"? Probably the name of the league was in question, but never its fifth division status. Still, they used "Verbandsliga". Sorry, Mr. Chioar's informal answer is not consistent with the official documents provided by his employer.
The answer of this Mr. Chioar becomes even more questionable as he just re-labelled the Landesliga to a Verbandsliga, just because it is a sixth division. Sorry, that's complete rubbish.
So now: What does weigh more? Dozens of official BFV documents stating that it is a Verbandsliga? Or a quick email by some guy who does not really seems to be fit in German league namings except for counting to 5 or 6? --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 14:00, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
The document you are so consistently refering to is a draft from a Bayernliga-Workshop in February 2011, the true decissions were made four month later and by then the whole Verbandsliga thing had disappeared from the agenda. There is no official document from the BFV I have seen that is current an mentiones a renaming of the Bayernliga, just failed draft proposals. As to the qualifications of Herr Chioar the BFV seems to see him fit for his position, thats good enough for me. As for his statement being rubbish I suggest you email him and let him know that you know the Bavarian league system much better then him. To me his answer makes plenty of sense: The Bayernliga is an Oberliga, like any other 5th tier league in German men's football and the tier below in Bavaria is the Landesliga, unlike most other German FA's where it is the Verbandsliga, as is in B-W, Hessen, etc. The case is really closed. Calistemon (talk) 21:27, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
So the 2011/12 promotion and relegation rules, having "Verbandsliga" in it for the Bayernliga, were only a draft? Relegated clubs will be please to hear, that there was no final promotion and relegation rules for 2011/12 season. See, either the rules for 2011/12 now come become questionable or Mr. Chioar's answer remains questionable. One or the other...
But whatever, it's a technical matter. German WP has it correct. That matters. Because outside Germany no one will really care if the Bayernliga is an Oberliga or a Verbandsliga, as anyway no one without knowledge of the German languague and/or the German league system history can tell the difference. So keep your beloved wrong information in your Bayernliga article, as I know you just want Bayernliga being an Oberliga, satisfing your personal opinion as you obviously have some strong connetions to the region. You got a "lucky" email from someone who probably never spend a thought on this Oberliga/Verbandsliga matter until the second your email popepd up and was probably even unware at that moment that "Verbandsliga" was in all official documents, regardless if draft status or final status, before it was renamed to Bayernliga. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 10:34, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
You can delute yourself that you know better then the Bavarian Football Association, you can even include wrong information in the German Wikipedia, all that is up to you. What stands is that the current (6 July 2012) Spielordnung of the BFV mentiones neither Verbandsliga nor Oberliga, that you take a 17 month old draft that was never fully adopted as prove that there is now a Verbandsliga and that you ignore the official statement of a BFV representative that the Bayernliga is still an Oberliga. What remains is the recommendation that you email the BFV under [email protected] and let them know how wrong they are and how you know it all better. Enjoy! Calistemon (talk) 10:57, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Enjoy? Yes, I do...

See http://www.bfv.de/cms/docs/Aenderungen_von_Satzung_und_Ordnungen_Juni_2012.pdf An official document issued by Mr. Chioars employer in Juni 2012, posted in "Amtliche Mitteilungen" (Offical News) on the BFV website.

I quote from page 3: § 1 Einsatz des ESB (1) In den Verbandsligen des BFV ist der elektronische Spielberichtsbogen zwingend zu verwenden. Für die Mannschaften der Regionalliga Bayern gelten vorrangig die in § 24 der Regionalligaordnung festgelegten Anweisungen. (2) In den Spielklassen unterhalb der Verbandsligen kann der ESB auf freiwilliger Basis eingeführt werden (siehe § 4).

An official document, 4 weeks old, naming the Bayernliga exactly what it is: a Verbandsliga.

So probably you should continue emailing Mr. Chioar advising him to read his emplyoers official documents... --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 11:00, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

You completely misunderstand. The Verbandsligas in question are the Regionalliga, Bayernliga and Landesliga, see § 41 a (2):
Der Verbandsanwalt entscheidet bei Spielervergehen in einem Verbandsspiel der Regionalliga Bayern und der Herren Bayernliga oder in einem DFB-Pokaloder Privatspiel, an dem eine Mannschaft dieser Ligen beteiligt war spätestens am zweiten Werktag nach dem Eingang der Meldung, ob er das Verfahren einstellt oder einen Antrag beim zuständigen Sportgericht stellt. Bei diesen Privatspielen gilt Satz 1 nur dann, wenn das Spielervergehen einen Verbandsligaverein betrifft, bei allen anderen an diesen Spielen beteiligten Vereinen entscheidet das Sportgericht Bayern ohne Einschaltung des Verbandsanwaltes.
It speaks of the leagues organised by the Verband, the BFV, which are Regionalliga, Bayernliga and Landesliga. The leagues below that from the Bezirksliga onwards are orginesed by the seven regional federations and therefore are not Verbandsligas. Two different meanings of Verbandsliga altogether. Calistemon (talk) 11:14, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
The part you highlighted does not mention the Landesliga... --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 11:25, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
This link may help you more, under BFV-Stichwortverzeichnis the BFV explains some terms, I quote: Verbandsligen sind alle Ligen auf Verbandsebene wie Regionalliga Bayern (ab 2012/13 - nur Herren), Bayernliga und Landesliga (gilt für Herren, Frauen und Jugend). Bei der Jugend findet allerdings nicht in allen Altersklassen ein Spielbetrieb auf Verbandsebene statt. Der Spielbetrieb unterhalb der Verbandsligen obliegt den Bezirken. Any clearer now? Calistemon (talk) 11:28, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
Ok, point taken. But still there is no official document making it an Oberliga. And no, informal emails are no official documents. From all official documents, even final ones, not only drafts, issued in the introduction process, you just can tell that they intended to introduce a Verbandsliga and later went for Bayernliga as it fits marketing purposes. Whatever... --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 11:34, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
You sound frustrated, lets leave it at that and respect each others opinion. True clarity may yet come, who knows? But I doubt it, in Bavaria its just the Bayernliga and has been as far back as I can remember (mid 1970s), no prefixes. Keep well, off to new things, Calistemon (talk) 11:47, 14 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Landesliga Westfalen


If you would like to create an article on the Landesliga Westfalen you might want to make it more then one sentence and add some categories and references, too. Wikipedia:Your first article and Wikipedia:Manual of Style gives you a bit of an idea on how to create your first article and what it should look like. Right now, looking at your edit history, all you seem to be here for is to make a point. Calistemon (talk) 21:14, 28 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Blablabla. The redirect was nonsense. What's there now, is a least more correct. And no one says, I'm finished. Rome wasn't built in a day. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 05:25, 29 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
Now I see, from your incorrect edit in Westfalenliga. You obviously got the wrong information, that the Verbandsliga Westfalen was labelled Landesliga Westfalen earlier. That's exactly 0% correct. It's two completely different divisions. Or in other words: The redirect was nonsense. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 05:37, 29 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
According to f-archiv.de the Landesliga Westfalen was the forerunner of the Verbandsliga from 1945 to 1956. Additionally, the kicker Almanach also lists the champions of the Landesliga Westfalen from 1951 onwards as the Westfalenmeister until the Verbandsliga was formed in 1956, when the champions of this league were awarded that title until 1978. It makes not differencation in the leagues between pre-1956 and post-1956 but only in 1978 when the Oberliga was established. These are the sources I have used many years ago when I made Landesliga Westfalen a redirct to the Westfalenliga article. Fell free to check. What is your source/sources to claim otherwise and that Landesliga Westfalen is not a valid redirect to Westfalenliga? I'm well aware that the current league below the Westfalenliga is the Landesliga, but that's not the whole history of the league, in reality it goes back to 1945, the least. And as we currently lack a proper article on the Landesligas a redirect is all we got. As to the article you claim to have writen, even a stub requires categorisiation and all content on Wikipedia has to be referenced otherwise it should be removed and you currently have none! At its current state its a canidade for speedy deletion! As to your other edits, you have reverted my edit on Westfalenliga which also undit my fix on the 2. Oberliga West redlink. You have done such great work on the German football league system article, why have you suddenly gone from being a good editor to just wanting to be disruptive? Just because of the Bayernliga Verbandsliga/Oberliga dispute? That would seem a little petty, I have to say. There is so few of us editing the German football league article, it seems hardly necessary to engage in heated arguments or even edit waring! I'm not going to, there is better things to do! Calistemon (talk) 13:23, 29 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

"According to f-archiv"? At first, this is no official source, that's just some guy collecting data. Next, the site does not say that the Landesliga was the forerunner of the Verbandsliga. It only has both unter "1. Liga", as the Landesliga was the top level before 1956 and the Verbandsliga was after 1956. Like the Oberliga West was the "1. Liga" until 1963 and Bundesliga later. But no one would ever link Oberliga West to Bundesliga, wouldn't they?

And this doesn't even make sense. Before 1956, there were 5 Landesligen and 15 Bezirksligen in Westfalen. After 1956, there were 2 Verbandsligen, 5 Landesligen and 15 Bezirksligen. So if you were to be correct, this would mean the following:

  • Reduction of level 4 Landesliga divisions from 5 to 2, remaming them to Verbandsliga.
  • Reduction of level 5 Bezirksiga divisions from 15 to 5, renaming them to Landesliga.
  • Introduction of 15 new level 6 divisions, naming them Bezirksliga.

Not that realistic, don't you think?

From what I know, the West German Regional Association in 1955 wanted to abolish the 2. Oberliga West, replacing them by Verbandsligen as the gap between level two second Oberliga West and a total of 10 level three Landesliga divisions in NRW was too big. The DFB did not allow them to get rid of the 2. Oberliga West, but of course the 3 state associations still implemented the Verbandsligen, Niederrhein, Mittelrhein, Westfalen 1+2 to reduce the gap. (And no, I don't have a source for that. I've read it, somewhere, somewhen...)

So conclusion: Landesliga is not the same as Verbandsliga. Never was.

And no, no one's disruptive here. Just one getting angry when another undoes his edit based on thin air. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 16:53, 29 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

It's all very well to criticise f-archiv which I found a good resources over the years. Kicker Almanach is a pretty good one, too. But what is yours for all your information? You still haven't disclosed that. If it is more reliable then mine I'm happy to accept it. My revert was based on my sources, what was yours based on? Calistemon (talk) 21:39, 29 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
I didn't say, f-archiv is a good source for season tables. But its definitely no useful source for league structures. The site just collects all availlable data for whatever in a given year was the first level (second level, third level) in the state associations. And of course the Landesliga was the first level in Westfalen until 1956. And of course the Verbandsliga was the first level in Westfalen between 1956 and 1978. So the site - according to its sorting priciple - list both under "1. Liga", each one during its time.
Regarding the Kicker Almanach: Of course - as there was no Verbandsliga until 1956 - the Westfalen champions was crowned among the Landesliga winners. This far the info is correct. But your conclusion is wrong. Let me put it this way: The Kicker Almanach also has a table of honour of all Bayern champions until 2012, which were the Bayernliga champions. Starting 2013, for sure, the Kicker Almanach will list the Regionalliga champions as Bayern champions. Taking your conclusion for Westfalen in the 1950s, this would mean, the Bayernliga was the forerunner of the Regionalliga, both being basically the same. So you wouldn't mind, once the new Kicker Almanach is out, if I will redirect "Bayernliga" to "Regionalliga Bayern", would you? ;) --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 05:28, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
As to the proposed disbanding of the 2nd Oberliga West in 1955-56, this website has a little on it, confirming your story. Calistemon (talk) 04:48, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
I just googed it. This site has even more: http://www.fvn.de/23-0-Geschichte-des-FVN.html
Am 11. Juni 1955 faßt der WFV-Verbandstag den Beschluß, die II. Liga West als Auffangbecken der Oberliga West aufzulösen und diese Klasse durch eine Amateur-Verbandsliga zu ersetzen. Das DFB-Bundesgericht erklärt den Beschluß des WFVVerbandstages, die II. Liga West aufzulösen, für rechtswidrig. Dieser setzt die Einführung einer Amateur-Spitzenklasse später in namentlicher Abstimmung durch. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 05:37, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
I havn't seen a recent kicker alamanach, I'm not sure how they are structured now, my most recent one is from 1990. In regards to the regional champions it has, back then, listed them as regional "Amateurmeister", while the Regionalliga champions are listed under "Regioalligameister". A confusion between Bayernliga/Regionalliga is therefore unlikely. In any case, in regards to the Landesliga Westfalen the question to answer is did they continue to exist after 1956 or not? F-archiv only has league tables for them from 1963 onwards again, nothing between 56 and 63. Is there some reliable information out there saying that the Verbandsliga was sloted in between LL and 2. Oberliga? If there is then the redirect was wrong and a mistake on my behalf, and I'm happy to admit I'm make plenty of those, is there not then it remains a grey zone and neither can be verified without doubt. And Wikipedia:Verifiability demands that Even if you're sure something is true, it must be verifiable before you can add it. Calistemon (talk) 05:43, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
Of course, the Landesliga Westfalen continued after 1956. (I've already mentioned this fact above.) The Landesliga was founded 1946, had a changing number of divisions in its early years. From 1952 until 2012, it was always existing, always in five divisions, always under the name Landesliga. Regardless if there was an Oberliga Westfalen or not. Before the introduction of the Verbandsliga in 1956 and after. (Proof can be found in the corresponding German WP article: I.e. table of honour, always including the 5 division champions also for 1956 to 1963.) Now 2012, there is a the first change in league structure since 60 years, with the number of divisions reduced to four. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 06:34, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
It also brings to question the redirects of Landesliga Mittelrhein ( going to Mittelrheinliga) and Landesliga Niederrhein (going to Niederrheinliga. Same situation? Calistemon (talk)
Yepp. Same thing. I already noticed. The German text I quoted this morning states that the WFV, that's the superior regional body for Mittelrhein, Niederrhein and Westfalen, was behind this. Accordingly, the league structures in 1956 were not only changed in Westfalen, but also in Mittelrhein and Nordrhein.
  • Westfalen before 1956: 5 Landesliga -> 15 Bezirksliga -> Kreise
  • Westfalen after 1956: 2 Verbandsliga -> 5 Landesliga -> 15 Bezirksliga -> Kreise
  • Niederrhein before 1956: 3 Landesliga -> ? Bezirksliga -> Kreise
  • Niederrhein after 1956: 1 Verbandsliga -> 3 Landesliga -> 9 Bezirksliga -> Kreise
  • Mittelrhein before 1956: 2 Landesliga -> ? Bezirksliga -> Kreise
  • Mittelrhein after 1956: 1 Verbandsliga -> 2 Landesliga -> 4 Bezirksliga -> Kreise

Regarding Wikipedia:Verifiability: You don't really want to start a discussion here? In this case, I'm afraid, we have to challange and/or delete at least two thirds of content on German football on the English WP. At least this much of the content doesn't have any sources. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 06:34, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

That is what Jimbo Wales suggested. If it is not sourced, delete it! The first step is to make sure what is created new has a source/sources, the next is to work backwards and reference existing stuff. The situation is not as bad as you think, league and Southern German club articles have resonable referencing. In the north, well its a different matter. I've cut the line there, the south is all I can allow myself to spent time on nowadays. But like I said, if its controversial and unreferenced, delete it! Calistemon (talk) 09:06, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
Then please feel free to send an email to Jimbo and ask him to delete it if he preferres wrong info over unsourced info. I don't mind! --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 10:24, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
You overestimate my connections on Wikipedia, I do not regularly communicate with Mr. Wales. And you misunderstand Wikipedia:Verifiability. It's better to have no information than unsourced one. And being a policy its not really optional either. In case of the Landesliga Westfalen article that you now have expanded, for example, the current short version with verifiable information is preferable to a long, unreferenced and unverifiable one. If another good source is found, it can easily be expanded. I noticed the German Wikipedia is not that way. Many times I've gone there in search for some information to expand an article here and found that, while there is a lot of information there its usually completely unreferenced and therefore neither reliable nor good to use here. I guess different Wikipedias must have different rules. Keep well, Calistemon (talk) 22:00, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
The German WP? You wouldn't last there three days with the regime they have in the football section. They don't really care for sources, they only care for relevance. 90% of your articles would be deleted. I.e. you are not allowed to write a season article on leagues below Oberliga level. You are not allowed to write an article on "Bayernliga Nord" and one on "Bayerliga Süd", instead you have to merge it to one article "Bayernliga". You are not allowed to write an article on a team that never played Oberliga or above. SO all your work on the Swabian leagues would be deleted completely. You are not allowed to ..., you are not allowed to ..., you are not allowed to ... all in the name of the holy cow "relevance". But ok then, I will see in the next days to probably provide also for the Mittelrhein and Niederrhein Landesliga with some content. --NeunZehnHundertFünf (talk) 05:59, 31 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
Like I said, different WP's obviously work on different principles. The English one firmly believes on content being independently verifiable, essays or original reasearch by editors is not allowed. And whether something is considered notable here debends on If a topic has received significant coverage in reliable sources that are independent of the subject, it is presumed to satisfy the inclusion criteria for a stand-alone article or stand-alone list, not on a small group of editors laying down their rules. I wouldn't be interested in editing on a project where you can add anything on the grounds that you consider yourself an expert without any need to prove its true! Calistemon (talk) 21:36, 31 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

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