

Inventor has a basic command of the physics involved


On February 28, 2007, New Energy Congress member, {Robert Indech} wrote:

Dear Sterling:

Having read the lengthy discussion of theory and methodology of hydrogen fusion creation, it is apparent that the inventor has a basic command of the physics involved, but with some stretches. The basic technique is to utilize a tunable high energy Telsa coil to create an ionic acceleration in a plasma derived pathway from a sample of ordinary (pure) water laced with heavy water. It is not clear to me whether the experiment, as described in the disclosure, has been performed, as the text is lacking in specific details of results achieved. If fusion did occur, there should be high energy particle emission, and possibly high energy neutrons, which would require specific particle detectors to measure. Such measurements were not in the disclosure. Further, a plasma fusion reaction occurring suddenly, in any appreciable concentration of deuterium, would have the effect of a small thermonuclear bomb. This result would be quite noticable.

I do not think that larger scale experimentation is required; just more careful experimentation with the equipment he has. Utilizing 100% heavy water, easily obtainable from Sigma Chemical among others, would be a good start. Employing thermal monitors, a controlled chamber for the reaction, and radiation detectors may yield some examable data, which could proceed to a controlled form of fusion. After all, what he is really describing is a form of hot fusion whereupon the heating is caused by the emission of the high frequency high voltage Tesla coil output.

At present, there is insufficient information to assign a T100 rating. The inventor is welcome to give us more details; after all, he has already submitted for patent his theory and device. If the method works as advertised, it would be given a T1 rating.

Gamma ray emissions is significant


On February 29, 2008, New Energy Congress member, {Robert Indech} wrote:

Dear Sterling:

Viewing the video, the author needs to be congratulated for putting his ideas into practice. His technique is to discharge a high voltage (tunable) high frequency Tesla coil into a water bath, which may have some components of heavy water. In the video and comments he mentions putting 6000 watts into the water. Further, he notes that the Tesla coil itself gives off Gamma bursts, so that those measured could not be ascribed directly to the fusion process.

I did see no mention of measurement of high energy neutrons (admittedly which is a very difficult thing to measure). The requirement of 750 KV is mentioned often. Is that the potential needed for acceleration of the hydrogen to produce fusion?

The system could certainly be downsized to experiment with. What frequency is being used to resonate in the water? There are other, more stable power systems rather than Tesla coils, which produce a very clean high voltage, high frequency waveform, but with very little amperage. More significantly, such sources would not have Gamma ray emission, so that any detected rays would necessarily come from the fusion process itself.

Suggestions for Mechanism Improvement


On March 25, 2008, New Energy Congress member, {Robert Indech} wrote:

Dear Sterling:

In the Azar Fusion model, a Tesla coil discharging between two electrodes in water creates a plasma state following dissociation of the water to hydrogen and oxygen. The intense electric field causes an acceleration of the hydrogen ions toward the negative electrode, at a velocity that may reach relativistic speeds. As any accelerating charged body also emits a magnetic field, so too does the moving proton. The field so generated is akin to that of the magnetic field around a current carrying wire: the magnetic vector is strictly angular, whose magnitude decreases as the inverse square of the distance between the test point and the moving proton. If there is another moving proton nearby with the same vector direction as the first moving proton, then this magnetic field will give rise to a force on the second proton that is directed radially inward to the first proton. A bunching up of the parallel protons, or "squeeze" will occur. These equations and effects are fully described in the inventors "scientific" disclosure.

The inventor makes the leap that the subsequent radial velocity caused by this magnetic bunching effect is sufficient to overcome the natural Coulombic repulsion between these two protons, so much so that fusion will occur. For proton fusion, a velocity equivalent to 200-300 million degrees Kelvin is necessary IN THE RADIAL DIRECTION BETWEEN THE FUSION PROTONS. For deuterium fusion, only 20-30 million degrees Kelvin equivalent velocity. The Telsa coil pulse provides a longitudenal acceleration of the protons; it is the magnetic pinch effect that provides the radial acceleration. Thus, simply increasing the intensity of the Tesla coil may achieve a change in longitudenal velocity from .95 to .98 of the speed of light, but the corresponding radial net velocity would not be anywhere near that amount.

It is possible, however, for fusion to occur in isolated regions of the wave pathway between the two electrodes, as an accelerated proton in split water may impact a water molecule just before it has been split; in this case the enormous velocity imparted to the proton may be sufficient to overcome the Coulombic barrier. However, this is not a magnetic pinch effect, but it may give rise to some low level evidence of fusion occurring. In this case, one should do an energy balance to see if the net process is economically profitable (i.e. muon based fusion is possible, but not profitable).

The major problem with the Farnsworth Fusor is instability. The Fusor, when operated at fusion levels, with give rise to jets of ions which escape the spherical confining field. Thus, the Fusor fusion is possible, but not profitable. Perhaps this inventor can combine the two technologies, and utilize the magnetic pinch effect to bring stability to the fusion process, thus making the device possible and profitable. That is, utilize a deuterium water source, use a tunable Tesla coil to energize two electrodes, both electrodes set at the output potential of the coil, and surround the electrodes with a grounded open type electrical wire sphere. The AC oscillation induced by the Telsa coil may be sufficient to create stability so that ion jets do not form. Just a suggestion.

Promising Concept


On March 25, 2008, Daniel Bowers wrote:


I will admit that the calculations behind the physics are over my head but I understand magnetic fields, fields of energy, and how it is necessary to smash particles together to capture nuclear energy.

A plasmoid is a stabilized ball of plasma which is contained within its own magnetic field. Chukanov discovered this and along with his work in cold fusion has grasped the concept.

The Bussard Polywell device with concentric magnetic fields is a way to manipulate the flow of the plasma to get the necessary reaction. It was adapted from the Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor.

After much experience reviewing plasma systems and every type of fusion reactor known to the wiki world and after reviewing the noble fuse technology I have come to a conclusion.

The concepts behind the Azar Fusion device are sound. Sandia National Labs achieved temperatures in excess of 2 billion degrees kelvin which is hot enough to achieve aneutronic fusion of Boron 11. For Mr. Azar to achieve the temperatures and the necessary velocity in order for fusion to occure with hydrogen or deuterium is very much conceivable. 100 to 300 million degrees kelvin in this device seems possible.

Last month you asked me to review a magnetohydrodynamic ocean generator which used the water as the containment field for a solid state magnet generator. Mr. Azar has applied the same principle to his technology utilizing the water to contain the magnetic field. Within this magnetic field electricity is passing at a high speed and the ionized particles get caught in the plasma pinch.

The concept for using a toroid to give increased efficiency is one that is applied in most fusion reactors to date.

The potential for scaleability, the simplicity and reproducability of the Noble Fusion technology gives this system merit when it comes to the development of viable free energy devices.

There are novel concepts with water based fusion reactors when it comes to containment and replenishing fuel. I believe that there is the potential for atmospheric pressure devices and much development that may stem from this technology. My first suggestion would be to employ the concept of the Farnsworth Hirsch Fusor in a heavy water based reaction vessel.

If the technology can be validated it will open the doors to the development of optimized devices. I have many recommendations for alternate configurations in mind but I wil save those for another day.